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Body language tips for your date

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Body gestures
by Nishant on Jul 28, 2006 03:33 PM

well to start of,YES most of us do get what our counter is thinking by gestures.touching hands,playing with edges of clothings,eye lids moving up and down within constant intervals.Smiles,are they artificial or geniune.YES WE DO.but what most of us miss is HOW TO TURN ADVERSITY INTO ONE'S FAVOR.Getting the note is important but how to maximize that knowledge is the real avenue where most of us misses.As was evident in one of the examples in the article,date not comfortable then they started to chat on common frds.WELL the idea of starting tht conversation has be be generated within.and I m sure that my frd got some hint that prompted him to start this very topic.
I totally agree that reading body gestures and postures are important but to utilize them fully is even more important.

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