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What do YOU worry about?

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David Manohar
Worry about
by David Manohar on Feb 24, 2006 12:45 PM

I am worried about my Job and future...

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Nipa H. Majethia
Day To Day Worries
by Nipa H. Majethia on Feb 24, 2006 12:40 PM

All have thier worries.
Mine is about my son's health, education and future.
I worry about settling down in my own 'HOME'.
I worry about the job security.I always worry about Financial stability.

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Job satisfaction
by DEEPAK SHARMA on Feb 24, 2006 12:33 PM

Iam worried about my job staisfaction . In india unfortunately still you have to be good at ball polishing to move at jet speed .

Hope it may change soon.


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worries are countless........
by abc on Feb 24, 2006 12:29 PM

job, growth, my luv, my parents, my sibblings, my sisters, my frens.............i worry bout everything

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its as you take it !
by Gaj on Feb 24, 2006 11:38 AM

I m not worried much about tommorow as much I am worried about today as we never know if tommorow is in existence or not. For todays worries, I have a solution..I am much happier by those things in life which make me smile and forget my worries for a while, hence try and concentrate myself on the happier things that I m doing now rather than those things which make me get worried and trust me I m happier... :)My rule is...Nothing is Permanent. Worries or Happiness...that too shall pass...

Live a 'life'... Be good !

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by maahi on Feb 23, 2006 11:52 PM

i think no one worries about oneself as much as one does about their loved ones.

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worry about
by hnsubramanian on Feb 23, 2006 10:55 PM

My worry is about the heavy mega TV serials creating confusions and strain in the family relationships by slow poisoning if unnecessary and hypothetical arguments depicted by various charecters played. If a family sees the same type of things, the same is taken light as entertainemant by the vewers. Wheras the TV mega serials react with the viewers as a slow poison.

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by Democrazy on Feb 23, 2006 02:06 PM


I have some personal loans against me because of Dad's ill health, my marriage expenses as well as a home loan. I do have a job, presently a good one. I worry about what if I dont have a decent job some 6 months down the line. I worry how can I repay my loans early. I did explore opportunities for earning more putting extra hours, but nothing worked out. I log in to my player listening to songs or have beer with friends to forget the worries, though nothing has gone out of hand. I hear stories about friends and colleagues landing up good jobs or getting good bonuses. Somehow I feel like I keep missing out on such perquisites.

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