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When you must talk face-to-face

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Face to face communication
by Nirupama on Dec 21, 2006 09:38 AM

Wow, it is great that someone is talking about face to face communication in this age of cryptic SMS's and emails. I agree completely that face to face communication carries a lot of weight in work place, for business and at home. Hope this trend catches on and grows leaps and bounds

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face to face communication
by Neeraja.K on Dec 18, 2006 09:53 AM

Yes,I totally agree with the Author,since face to face to communication is a must, which reveals more meaning than verbal communication

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Prithvi Hegde
Must talk Face to Face
by Prithvi Hegde on Dec 14, 2006 05:09 PM

You are right but it is a luxury today. One man with so much to deliver may find it difficult to have face to face talk everytime. Probably face to face talk is like a Dinner party once a while but we have eat everyday to sustain. You may also note face to face talk also may lead to Gossip than productive work as people are likely to use the phone objectivly as it is not pleasent.

Ideal for

Talking to the Mother Or Father or spouse or Grand Parents as it is full value for money.

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Face to Face Communication
by Mayank on Dec 14, 2006 09:49 AM

It is just what can not be eliminated from system,there is no comparison can be made between new developed techonology and manual activities. Atleast human understanding can have a common with human first than machine. Just think when you get one detailed business proposal on e mail how carefully you read it and respond it. So face to face communication is one which can never be replaced, specially when it comes about sensitive issue like performance, motivation, counseling and guidance. I don't know how many people realize the vision and mission of their organization when they read it in any document.

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Nilesh Gore
to be more skilled, try best personality tests and SWOT
by Nilesh Gore on Dec 14, 2006 09:46 AM

The art of being yourself at your best
is the art of unfolding your personality

unleash your personality to Enhance and polish your skills in whaever you do.

An absolute essential element for getting the most out of success! U owe it to yourself to investigate the immense and awesome power U have.
U either knew it or U don't.

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Burn your calories
by Rajesh on Dec 14, 2006 08:02 AM

Walking upto your colleagues' desks instead of using intercom or instant messenger will burn your calories. Try this !!

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neha satish
by neha satish on Dec 14, 2006 12:13 AM

i want speake in english fluency

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I agree with this guy
by Bhaskararao.V on Dec 13, 2006 07:42 PM

I completely agree with the opinions written in this article.I work in an IT firm in india where i need to interact with the clients based in USA.Our projects involve multiple people sitting at different locations.When i require some inputs from any person in USA,what i can do is either mail or call over the phone.But quite often these methods won't yield any good results beacause other person doesn't seem to understand our emergency and takes his time to reply.This is heavily impacting my performance as i would be observed by my boss here who only scans my work and doesn't bother what is going out of my scope which is very crucial to successful completition of my task.I don't know how to cope up with this situation and it is mounting pressure on me.

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When you must talk face-to-face
by nagesh on Dec 13, 2006 06:29 PM

Being in pharmaceutical marketing. face-to-face communication is most effective, particularly with doctor's clarifications and market clarifications on company policy. The customer appreciates the effort and time taken for personally coming and talking personally with a genuine effort to solve the problem, and the body language shows-it-all when met personally. Good article.

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