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Would you marry a career woman?

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Dev Sharma
I do NOT agree with this view :)
by Dev Sharma on Aug 31, 2006 07:26 PM

I do NOT agree with this view b'coz i believe that it is the "values"(moral,ethical,character,spiritual & all) that counts & that too depends upon the upbringing of the person concerned. I'm Well educated man & well placed. My family too consists of Gallentry Award winners, Class one officers & so on. Yet i'm the guy who is attracted to career-oriented women as i feel it is the value system of that our cultural heritage gave that matters & NOT concerned with any gender i mean man or woman. We should NOT lable woman like this. I would be happy to marry a career-oriented woman....but yes for anybody & in any situation family comes first.
Dev Sharma

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Indian women should work
by sojae on Aug 29, 2006 10:20 PM  | Hide replies

There is a difference between a Career Woman and a Working Woman. Most of the guys here don't seem to realize that. There is nothing wrong with a woman working. Stepping outside the house will give her a stronger sense of self worth and identity. Some guys have written that "working women are cheaters" and "spend money on attire". Such sweeping statements are ridiculous and baseless. I wonder if these guys will ever educate their daughters and let them lead a fuller life or will the little girls be confined to the four walls of the house after 12th grade. For all the talk about "India's booming economy" and being the "next super power" etc. is this not a huge step backwards?

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RE:Indian women should work
by varun on Sep 08, 2006 08:07 PM
arre chatterjee boka!! dont mention this in the matrimonial ad which you place otherwise you will remain a bachelor throughout your life!!

"working women are cheaters" and what about men? working or not working they have the right to cheat according to you!!??

a perfect example of typical-indian-chavunistic-male!!!

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RE:Indian women should work
by sandhya on Sep 10, 2006 05:06 PM
hey varun.thanks for supporting women. only if india had more men like u.

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I would not marry a career woman
by samik on Aug 29, 2006 03:31 PM  | Hide replies

Hi,I would not marry a career woman. As, most of them are selfish,lier,opportunist,egoist,devil,flirt,loose character,polygamous and not home-maker. I want happiness and not quarrel for a life-time or divoce.That is why,divorce among educated urban youth is increasing in India.But,every rule has exception. So,if you find a career-maker and home-maker simaltanously in a honest and adjusting woman . Then ,you are among luckiest person of the world. Samik Chatterjee

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Murli Nair
Marrying a career woman
by Murli Nair on Aug 29, 2006 01:00 PM  | Hide replies

I think a family having a career woman, especially after childbirth is not healthy for the family, for the community and ultimately for humanity. The best example is the West, where man and woman meet have children, stay for some days together, then part, the woman raises the children alone, they mature, forget about their parents and the parents die lonely deaths. On the other hand, in the East, women are looked upon as a commodity, to be used and abused, their contribution to society, though enormous, is not tangible as a paycheck, hence they appropriate no rights, no property. The Buddha taught us more than 2500 years back to follow the middle path always. But I guess, we are, both the East and The West too dense to understand The Teacher, immersed as we are in our rituals and greed.

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RE:Marrying a career woman
by sandhya on Sep 10, 2006 05:04 PM
priya,u have said it well.

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RE:Marrying a career woman
by Priya on Sep 07, 2006 01:00 AM
Woman should work or sit at home should be her own inner decision. In both ways she can excel if it comes from her heart. I am sure working and managing home especially with kids is challenge. Most of women around me do their best. If someone is saying working woman is facing failure on family front. Its not only her failure but failure of entire family. Most of the times it is one woman show. Then in that case it is likely that she may fail on some duties due to lack of capacity to manage everything. So if you want your partner to work and succeed you have to help her. If you cant do that as husband, better stay away from educated girls. Try to marry good looking show pieces. Well then dont try to see intellectual companion in your office. Because who say that working woman is character less, they themselves are cunny towards women.

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YES / NO !!
by Vijay on Aug 29, 2006 10:52 AM

Yes/No.... In todays world a educated women cannot sit @ home wasting time & her intellect; but on the other side she has more responsibility on her; she has to look after her children, parents, husband etc.. if she is capable of balancing her personal life with work then there is no probs.

But most women fails, thats sad !! there might be many reasons, we guys need to encourage them & help her in family issues... both should assess their needs & wants of the family then they can decide whether to work or not...

Finally guys in my view if your financial position is good then no reason for sending ur wife to work, if she feels lonely @ home or have lots of time; can suggest her to do some social work & enjoy the real comforts of life with family.... SO ITS UP TO UR NEEDS & WANTS !!

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Sai N
Career woman !!
by Sai N on Aug 28, 2006 06:26 PM  | Hide replies

A career woman.

Does it mean a woman who will put her career before everything else ? Probably it would not be great marrying a career woman in this case.

Or does it mean a woman who would have her own career, while also keeping family as the priority...If this is the case I would marry a career woman.

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RE:Career woman !!
by raj on Aug 29, 2006 12:32 PM
Hey bubbles

1. WHy do you have the inferiority complex and you have to prove that woman are inferior to man

2. You dont need to marry at all...who is forcing you ...you can live in etc why crib?

3. Money making is also the pastime of woman today...did you forget your house maid (who is also a woman)? Why should she sweep ... any thoughts you woman chevunist swine?

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murli nair
RE:Career woman !!
by murli nair on Aug 29, 2006 01:40 PM
hey bubbles

how come women "who have proven themselves equal to men" also wants alimony (when she should be earning her own living) reserved seats in public utilities etc ??

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Pinky Danani
Career Oriented Women...Bravo....
by Pinky Danani on Aug 28, 2006 06:00 PM  | Hide replies

Well i feel that in this age of materialism it is very important for both husband and wife to support the family since the demands are always increasing . I am working women though not married but still feel that working women are smart,good at work ,sensitive to other's feeling compartively to men and extremely good at finishing tasks .Moreover if the women knows how to balance her work and career life then its great
Kudos to all working women since most of the times they strike a balance between thier profession and personal life with a lot of finesse .

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RE:Career Oriented Women...Bravo....
by Bubbles on Aug 28, 2006 08:14 PM
Finally an Indian man who lives in the twenty-first century....may your tribe increase:)

And for all you male chauvinistic pigs out there, who expect their wives to houseclean and breed your progeny, please realize that you are now part of a more balanced world, where a woman has proven her capability on both professional and homemaking fronts.

So quit bulshitting yourself and the rest of the world, clean up your act, and own up to the responsibility of having a career, home, as well as children, just as any woman would.

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srikanth thirumala
RE:Career Oriented Women...Bravo....
by srikanth thirumala on Jul 04, 2007 06:51 PM
it's o.k friend. what ever you want to say you can say it politely.But why you people use MCP like words..is male bashing is necessary for these arguments..?

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by navs on Aug 28, 2006 05:26 PM

surely i ll marry a career oriented women....she ll more focussed more intelligent n practical....coz she will be in the corporate world she can understand my problems also.......
her head wll be firmly on her shoulders....and also we can be able to relate things easily...

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Working Women
by Shilpy on Aug 28, 2006 04:50 PM

you know this is really funny if a girl is actress (heroine) she is loved by all, if she is collegue liked by many, if boss obeyed by many, but when she becomes your wife her capability reduces to home ground only.
Mother teressa is worshipped, Indira Gandhi is idiolised , sushmita sen loved but my wife only mine and only in my home.

shilpy kharbanda

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