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Would you marry a career woman?

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Would you marry a career woman?
by Jay on Dec 29, 2006 12:59 PM  | Hide replies

Dear friends...
I went through a lot of ur mails..& 1 thing i have seen here is no1 has had realtime experience..I am yet to marry my GF..& am contemplated to think otherwise..
We started out in Engg college.She was in 1st year,me in the 2nd.I ws just an average student,while she was better.Still it didnt stop me from wooing her..As time went by,my studies were just ok..& she started taking extra interest in me..As such i started doing better..We started weaving these sweet dreams..
Soon aftr college,it tuk me more than 6 mnths to find a job..She got a job in 7th sem,& i was genuinely happy for her,coz it wud giv her a better stand at her home.Soon she got placed in Mysore Infy & me in a small town in T.N.I used to tell her to keep in touch,sinc i was too lonely here.She agreed,but the calls started dwindling,maybe coz of work pressure..
Now,she's a totally diff person.All she's interested in is Discos & parties with her guys out ther,with hardly a call a day,even if she has time to spare.It was a volte face initially,now i got used to it.I m trying to get out of here..& i m sure our relationship has no future..Now Ms Sandya & Sonika can decide..

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RE:Would you marry a career woman?
by Jayadevan on Jan 24, 2007 01:10 PM
Buddy...Its just that u r getting a lil stressed out..Just relax & give her the time she needs..she wil definitely come back,she loves u..If she doesnt,she never was..So u r lucky enuf to realise that truth,b4 marriage..

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srikanth thirumala
RE:Would you marry a career woman?
by srikanth thirumala on Jul 04, 2007 06:30 PM
my sympathy's are with you my friend..if it done by a man..there is law and there are lot of organizations to fight for her.But sadly you are a man.so be brave..you lost nothing.concentrate on the work get good position. you will definitely get a good girl.I hope future is yours.

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marrying a career woman depends on the man's belief and expectations
by Padmanabhan on Nov 24, 2006 11:48 AM

A woman's career outside the home certainly will put some strain on a the family. So if the family has to overcome that extra strain, the family particulary the husband must be very strongly motivated.

First, money. If the man believes that two incomes are definately needed to run a family, then he can marry a working woman or a career woman

second, belief in feministic ideals. If the man believes in the feministic sentiments like need for a self-identity or self-individuality for a woman, believing that a woman must show her talents to the world, etc, etc, then he can marry a career woman.

If the man does not have these two motives, then it is very, very safe to marry a housewife as otherwise there will be no peace and intimacy inside the marriage

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Sarabjit Singh Arora
Career Oriented Woman
by Sarabjit Singh Arora on Nov 13, 2006 03:13 PM

With all due respect to ladies, issue is not with career woman, the real issue is that how ambitious and strong headed they are.
I know couple of well educated ladies, who just do not want to have baby - What is this? For them their career is more important than having a happy life.
Education, career etc. is absolutely fine, there is no issue in that. But working ladies should understand the real meaning of marrige. A line has to drawn and call has to be taken at some point after marriage.
Now what is happening is India i.e. increase in the number of divorce cases, Its just not good. And I am firm believer of the saying that " a woman can make or break a house". We are moving towards western culture at a great cost.
I am not saying that all working women are like this but those who are like this they just cannot make their personla life happy. Please understand, what you are working for - a happy life, but what will happen if you are so ambitious at the cost of your personal life. You have no life to cherish. And when you will realise this thing, it will be too late.
Sorry, if i have hurt anybody's sentiments.
Best Regards to all

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RE: Would you marry a career woman?
by Anna on Nov 08, 2006 12:57 PM

I certainly would marry !!!!!

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