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No use yaar
by sri on Aug 22, 2006 01:19 AM  | Hide replies

There is no use of studying in US now a days.

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RE:No use yaar
by Rakhi on Aug 23, 2006 02:10 PM
I dont understand why you said this. Could you please elaborate your statement?

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RE:No use yaar
by Milind on Aug 26, 2006 04:03 PM
i second U!!!
wen all type of best education is available here then why to go beyond 7seas !!! but the other side of coin says that its all the gane of opportunities, it is considered that one gets more opportunities aft pursuing degree from US universities !!!

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RE:No use yaar
by Abhishek on Aug 25, 2006 01:03 AM
I second that, but what are your reasons for saying so, can you elaborate

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RE:No use yaar
by taposh on Aug 25, 2006 12:36 PM
I think what he means is that it is only the money due to which students go outside for study.I am from an educational background doing PhD in India from a reputed instituite.I have published 5 international papers in well renowned journals.My friends who are there pursuing their PhD also publishes in the same reputed journals.So it comes down only to the financial part a stipend of 10,000 INR against say 1600$ per month

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RE:No use yaar
by oliver on Aug 26, 2006 02:13 PM
i agree with sri. there is a lot of headec work of visa and security problem. it is better to try australia new zealand or canada

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Sour grapes!!
by P on Aug 28, 2006 07:26 PM
It is a question of being good in what u do to get to the US and survive

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RE:No use yaar
by skanth on Aug 30, 2006 12:16 AM
Study in US is good for post graduate degrees as there are no quota problems like in india. Also it gives u so much access to world journals if u are in US compared to only few premier institutions. Stipend is secondary as ur aim is to do education and stipend comes second to that. Currently we are having good job scene so people tend to stay in india. But other than Engineering we are lagging behind a lot in other fields. I am from IITM chemistry so know how job scene was? Definitely its a dream to study in any foreign place provided u get funding and not disturb your parents for money.

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