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Is your computer in good health?

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A Rama Krishna
by A Rama Krishna on Aug 08, 2006 11:06 AM  | Hide replies

Could some one tell me how 2 overcome the spying or some free spyware available.,


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Swarna V
by Swarna V on Aug 09, 2006 11:17 PM
i totally agree to you alanz. well said. aptly pointed out.

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by Sandeep on Aug 14, 2006 08:17 AM
1) get a good anti spyware (windows defender is free for now)

2) do not install programs from unknow sources after downloading them from internet.

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by Rahul on Aug 13, 2006 11:39 PM
To avoid spyware, DON\'T use Internet Explorer (use Firefox or Opera instead), and DON\'T use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express (use Thunderbird or something else).

In fact, avoid all Microsoft software. For office, try OpenOffice. Microsoft writes its software with scripting capabilities that supposedly make it easy for developers, but they have ZERO security. ActiveX is the single biggest threat to Windows users. It\'s how spyware gets installed on your computer without your knowledge.

Ideally, avoid Windows altogether: Linux is pretty user-friendly these days and it\'s free, and MacOS X is far friendlier than Windows, if you can afford an Apple computer.

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by sai on Aug 14, 2006 02:23 AM
you could use spybot and adware for protecting your computer from spyware. These are free of charge and could be directly downloaded from the net. I cannot gurantee you that these are the best. but i advice them as they work good on my comp.


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Assumption - Windows machine
by Alanz on Aug 08, 2006 01:10 AM

I just hate this kind of information - just shows how naive the writer of this article is - probably it was a copy-paste from some other source.
Because of 1 reason - the article assumes that you are running a Windows machine. At least one line at the begining would make it look better.

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Hard Disk Cleanup
by Moses on Aug 07, 2006 04:27 PM

There is one more option in Windows called "Disk Cleanup", which cleans all the temporary, old and unwanted files.

To run this follow these steps:

Start>> Programs>> Accessories>> System Tools>> Disk Cleanup

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Temporary Files in WinXP and Win2000
by Alex on Aug 07, 2006 03:29 PM  | Hide replies

In addition to the c:windowstemp, there is another temp folder found in the

c:Documents and Settings<USERNAME>Local SettingsTemp

Cluttering up of files in this folder has a more significant effect on the speed of the computer.

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Will it pose any problem???
by Ravi on Aug 07, 2006 04:59 PM
One of my friend advised me against deleting all the files present in the Temperory Folder(Temp); he said, few of the files present in that folder might have a direct link with OS and that deleting them will only do more harm than good. So, I would like to know whether it is correct or not. I will be thankful if U could reply to my message.

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