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IT + finance = Good MBA combo?

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IT n Finance ..Winning
by nishesh on Aug 02, 2006 01:09 AM  | Hide replies

yes Man , IT n Finance is a winning combo...since i am from It abckground and doing MBA i knw it lets u think very logically in terms of a buizness problemm...one wil tk sm time getting used to Fin. jargons ...bt IT boys do read a lot ...so that will help immense ...tkare

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RE:IT n Finance ..Winning
by Randhir on Aug 03, 2006 11:27 AM

This is worst thing happening for MBA. Why cant we look MBA as an Business activity where students are going to be Managers and going forwarded they will be VP/CEO etc. Why restrict to specialization such as IT, Finance, System, Mktg, HRD etc. As a Manager most important quality required is leadership because he wont be handling any of this in details. Manager must be allrounder and need to understand every field plus good people management. Specialization is OK if you want job and satisfied with low level Team member designation and salary. For climbing corporate ladder specialization is NOT at all consider. It requires Politics, Networking, maintaining perosnal relationship with high authority and most important a GOD FATHER to pull you UP on ladder.

This may sound harsh but this is reality.

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Good MBA combo
by Hiren on Aug 02, 2006 12:51 AM


It's valuable to have IT as your MBA specialisation. Now, If you have good background in other fields ..i.e. Finance, Operations Management, HealthCare, Sports Management or Marketing; you can choose based on your expertise.

I am an MBA with IT and Operations Management. Finally Do what you are interested in, No matter what combinations considered as best in the market. Finally - Believe in your yourself that you can do it.

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Shridhar Rapaka
by Shridhar Rapaka on Aug 01, 2006 10:46 PM

Hi Shakti,

The thought is really interesting but by far a bit extrapolated.Though, I too believe that with that combination you will be all geared and ready for a career change, the chances are that your career progress may slow down.
I was talking to an International Programs Manager from a Top U.S University just the other day..coz I too was planning for the same. And surprisingly, he stated that I will be taking a turn horizonatally instead of vertically: Finance being a different breed altogether. Whereas, if I took up an MBA in MIS..it would be really a fast upward climb.The MIS Mgmt topping the cream. And talking of 2 specializations in one program...I think only adds to the confusion...

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It's a hot combination
by Spike&Surge on Aug 01, 2006 08:02 PM

finance is a specialisation that goes with any thing. If one is looking for IT + Finance, then definetly it's a very good combination. Reason being IT has pervaded into every industry and if u r in it u have an advantage.

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IT + finance = Winning MBA combination?
by Raj on Aug 01, 2006 07:58 PM

It all depends from which institute are you going to do your MBA.

If you are going to do your MBA from,

1.) any of the "Tier I"* institutes, then better chase your dream dont cage yourself with any options.

2.) any of the "Tier II"* institutes, you never know who is going to give you a hefty pay cheque
two years down the line, so better keep both the feet, one each in IT and Finance.

3.) any other institute, dont think, just go for IT and Finance.

Today's market senario is such that there are lucrative and abundant requirements in both IT as well as Financial sector, and this trend is expected to continue atleast till 2010. Since 95% of MBA aspirants are looking at the hefty pay packs they shall get once they are out of the B-scool it can be infered that the winning combo shall be IT and Finance (considering only job and pay).

* - Classification of Tier I and Tier II institutes in B-School parlance is a highly debatable and discussable topic by itself.

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Its about ones personality
by PAVAN on Aug 01, 2006 06:30 PM

Dear Shakti

I did my MBA in the mid 90's and today after
10 yrs can tell you all who are reading this
that its all about knowing your own personality.
If you are a good talker you should go for Mktg
or HRD and if you are a people avoiding but a
person who beleives that only money runs a company
then take up Finance. Lest you know yourself you'll
always be a misfit because Education is your
suppliment not a future guarantee.


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IT + Finance
by vaibhav on Aug 01, 2006 06:26 PM

I dont think its a good option...you can include everything and say you are an MBA in all that...i think you much choose specializations...jack of all trades , master of none does'nt do anything good!

i would suggest to do either in IT or finance... both are diverse fields. Don't do in both..u wont get either of these 2 properly!

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by romesh on Aug 01, 2006 06:20 PM

yup it is booming but peope in services marketing have better opportunity as the opportunities in this sector are boming never than before ....53%in gdp ....and much more

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