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Ready Andhra meals, here

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Arun Sriram
AP Bhawan Canteen - Lipsmacking Andhra Food
by Arun Sriram on Sep 20, 2005 04:25 PM

For once, I felt like someone was penning my thoughts on the canteen.... every word is true, and I enjoye dthe food there the most. I think I went there twice in six working days, andit was indeed a treat even for a pure veggie like me.
And the comment on South India = Chennai couldn't have been placed in a better context... fantastic

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Prasad Kaki
hungry kay
by Prasad Kaki on Sep 20, 2005 04:21 PM

amazing description, for people who r not aware of andhra food. Any die hard fan of Panneer Palak, Butter chicken or tandoori etc , just eat the andhra meals.
Next time you will die for it. Im sure.

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andhra meals
by krishna on Sep 20, 2005 04:14 PM

thanks a lot for the information...i have been in the capital for 3 months and had no idea where i can have a good meal....hope to know if there are any more places where i can have andhra meals.......

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Rakesh Dubey
Re: Andhra Meal
by Rakesh Dubey on Sep 20, 2005 04:08 PM

One of my journalist friends took me to AP Bhavan in March 2001 for lunch, coincidentally I had a job offer with a company in Hyderabad about the same time.....this lunch made me think that I am indeed going to the right place. Absolutely delectable. I have been in Hyderabad since then and have enjoyed every bit of it. Though from North, I was never challenged in terms of geography but I did find the treasures of south such as Malabar cuisine when I went to Kerala, subtle differences between Andhra and Telangana cuisine and so on......and it is definitely and delectable richer than generic image of south Indian food people carry in North.


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santha john
AP bhavan
by santha john on Sep 20, 2005 03:55 PM

I agree the andhra meals in AP Bhavan Delhi are far better than anything you can get here in Hyderaabd

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You are 1000% true..
by Gangu on Sep 20, 2005 03:40 PM

Hi Abhi,

Your article is very good. You described my feeling and feelings like most of the people like me in a very tasty words. Yes hundreds of miles away from Andhra a visit Andhra Bhavan brings back the lost touch.

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nice article
by satish on Sep 20, 2005 03:27 PM

Thanks for a nice article, It made me to recall my Delhi days. When I was in IIT Delhi Andra Bhavan food was like a home food for us.

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by Ramakrishna on Sep 20, 2005 03:24 PM

Interesting. Let me try when I visit Delhi.

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