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Ready Andhra meals, here

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great job!!!! abhishek
by malli on Feb 28, 2006 12:35 PM

hey, this article has actually made my day!!!
born and brought up in mumbai so never got a full hang of andhra foods but yes.. i have tried andhra meals in trupati trust me they were really mouthwatering and awesome..simply great!!!

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As good as Gongoora !!!
by Soumitri on Jan 27, 2006 09:21 PM

Hi Abhishek,
It was a very well worded article and loved every bit of it. Frankly, my mouth was watering reading it, imagining being there!! It reminded my days in Vizag and miss it very much. Also, people ought to know that there is more to South India than Madras!!!

Kudos to you once again.

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Great Stuff
by Subramanium on Jan 10, 2006 04:58 PM

Hi Abhishek,
The food is real great at AP bhavan. And don't worry about Delhiwallas not liking it. I have seen a Bihari bus driver eat at least 50 puris at AP bhavan.


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Excellent article on Andhra Food!
by Nag on Jan 08, 2006 10:06 AM

Well written article. Though I never been to AP Bhavan, It made me filling my stomache after seeing all the dish names :-)
Good that you made clear clarfication about Andhra & madrasi.
I wish to have one AP Bhavan per city capital in all states, that makes every body to know about Telugu dishes.


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andhra mess in Pune
by Narendar on Jan 07, 2006 02:45 AM

i have seen an andhra mess in pune. it is near Ranka Jewelars,karve road. the food was good der. it is in a small gully near Ranka lewels.

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Andhra meals near vakola market or near Bandra
by MADAN on Dec 11, 2005 12:05 PM

Hi Friends ..

Any bady suggest me andhra style family hotel for food . i fed up with mumbai style food ....

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Andhra Meals
by Vishu on Nov 29, 2005 07:47 PM  | Hide replies

pls let me know of restaurants who serve Andhra meals in mumbai


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Hi Abhishek
by Sheikar on Nov 27, 2005 12:57 AM

Nice one on AP bhawan....I'm frm US and feel that food is the thing that makes afresh our memories.

Living in India is something like...every city is a train's distance.....but if I have to come back to India it is....6 months of planning....so Delhi or Hyderabad or Chennai or Kolkata or Mumbai....ENJOY....coZ it is India!!!

Abhishek: I'm born in vizag South grew up in the North in UP....and I think you are the other way around...with your surname I guessed you were from UP.....which city were you born

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Article of Abhishek on Food at AP Bhavan, New Delhi
by Raju on Nov 23, 2005 07:41 PM

Contgats to Abhishek, his article is as excellent as the food served at AP Bhavan. He deserves a pat for his noce words. I wish the caretakers of AP Bhavan keep up the tradition "atithi devo bhava" and win the hearts of the people through stomach.

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