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How great are cash back schemes?

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sanjay jaiswal
legal action can be taken??????????
by sanjay jaiswal on Oct 22, 2005 10:55 AM  | Hide replies

can legal action be taken on such misleading adds?????????they must also say all this thing in their add

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mehul hirani
RE:legal action can be taken??????????
by mehul hirani on Oct 25, 2005 05:19 PM
unfortunately the ads are misleading, but there is always a fineprint so legal action will not favour the consumer. there is always a loophole in these schemes and one cannot do much about it other then be very careful.

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by krishna on Oct 21, 2005 04:26 PM


This is good explanation for all, who are taking new cards, using cards. I have been getting call from bank call centre people,telling these (Cash back)offers. These are all marketing techniques. people should be aware of these schemes.....All the best



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5% back
by srinivasn on Oct 21, 2005 02:56 PM

if You go by what is in the advertisement You are lost.... it is common sense that just becasue you use the credit card , why should anybody give you cash back....also look out for the places where you canuse them.....costly ones.... where you would have not gone othrwise ans spend the amount before thinking twice if you have to pay hard cash.... BEWARE

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ICICI Credit Card Cash Back offer
by anipin on Oct 21, 2005 01:04 PM

One lesson learnt from ICICI during the last 5% cash back offer, the reward points accrued on the purchases were reversed.

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truely said
by Shirish on Oct 21, 2005 11:54 AM

very truely said ... Actually these schemes are gimmicks to attract customers...
they will only give meagre discount in Big shops which drill a big hole in your pocket.

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sanjay arora
bewfooq banata hai
by sanjay arora on Oct 21, 2005 11:41 AM  | Hide replies

why would the bank pay you back 5 % ,banks are there to make money they are not for charity.

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RE:bewfooq banata hai
by Kumar on Oct 24, 2005 09:57 PM
thats what they make us fools to runaround ; its just a good marketing technique to make customer buy more

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