HI, Its really nice to know this valuable information,which will be very helpful to all pregnant women.This can be forwarded to moms connection online site where most of them can know about it.
Thanks rediff for this eye opening article. Currently I am staying in abroad, hence no one to guide me. Moreover I feel ppl will only advice my to eat more ghee etc etc...which I dont feel is right. I still used to eat 2-3 meals and sometimes even skip my meals, but now I know I have to keep my diet balanced and have plenty of water. Thanks once again.
Theses tips are just excellent i was carrying in the year 2005 and i got a miscarrage in 9th month it was a very unfortunate to us but by the garce of god i am pregnant of 3 months now i am following your tips give in the site thanks a lot
dear sir/madam, i am prashant,physcially challeged person married with homeopath doctor.i got married in 2004 and my wife was carrying last year,and after that it was miscarriage and we lost 7 months. after that we are planning to have baby but my wife weight is 40 kg. what u will suggest to us. i will greatful to you. thanks
OMG! I have just read that eating raw pineapple can cause miscarriages. I am 8 weeks pregnant and have been eating the stuff like it's going out of fashion. It's dirt cheap at my local greengrocers and I've been eating about 2 full pineapples per week for the last 3 weeks.
I thought ALL fruit was good for you and after giving up smoking I needed something to fill the void and help me get passed my cravings.
I can only hope I have been lucky this time and stop eating that lovely, juicy, tropical amber fruit I have grown to adore.
Thanks for these tips...In a country like india there are thousands of advices givenand we never know which is right and which is wrong..This article tells us about the exact thing a pregnant woman should know...thanks for the article
for a woman who stays away from elders n experienced mothers,this site is a blessing in all ways.know its easy to know the dos n donts during preganncy,moreover its very educating how to bring a healthy baby out to the world.