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my take on cutoffs!!
by Anand on Nov 20, 2005 07:46 PM

hi people..
so CAT'05 - yet again a surprising pattern, courtesy the IIMs..
my take on cutoffs:
VA- 22-23 for sectional 95%ile
QA- 15-16 for sectional 95%ile
DI- 10-11 for sectional 95%ile

overall 47-48 for 98+ %ile

and 50-51 (with balanced break up) for 1 IIM
55-57 (with balanced break up) for 2-3 IIMs
60+ for a BLACKI !!

All the Best to all you aspirants!!

Anand Taparia
XLRI, Jamshedpur

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CAT feedback
by shalabh on Nov 20, 2005 07:36 PM

Quatitative was quite tought than i expected.
Else was fine enough.

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aftab ahmed khan
about cat exam
by aftab ahmed khan on Nov 20, 2005 07:33 PM

the was little tough,unpredictable as always
one thing i liked:less no. of que. reduced the pressure alittle only to be compensated by its level of toughness.

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CAT 2005
by Tathagata on Nov 20, 2005 07:28 PM

it was a relatively harder test than the previous year but i have performed much better than last year the most comfortable sections wereDI and EU for me whereas QA is as usually tough as per the answer keys go i m getting around 42-45 the only thing which i need some conformation about is about the percentile which i can expect from this score with the help of which i can buy forms

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real tough
by rohit on Nov 20, 2005 07:13 PM

This was the first time i have attempted the cat. I thought it was a tough format. it tested accuracy more than speed. it would have been a headache for people who look for speed and rhythm. cracking The D.I sets were not easy. i thought verbal was tougher as compared to previous years cat papers

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CAT paper
by kasper on Nov 20, 2005 07:09 PM

well it was good to see that iim finally realised that speed kills!! and accuracy and strategy would be the forte for all by this exam.
well as for me im on tenderhooks with d.i. section as i wonder did i????

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concern about cutt off
by priyanka on Nov 20, 2005 07:06 PM

i got overall 30 marks in cat 05
in which institute should i apply?
And what will be overall percentile?

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abhai prasad
cat performance
by abhai prasad on Nov 20, 2005 06:57 PM

hello iam abhai from lucknow ,21 years old.
i found the verbal section quite tough. otherwise ithink i am clearing the cut offs for other sections.
i found choosing the appropriate replacement quite tough,and r.c. also equally tough. i am getting somewhere around 32-35 score, and i do\\\'nt whre that puts me in terms of percentile . if any one can tell me thats good.

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Its still unpredicatble
by Sonam on Nov 20, 2005 06:55 PM

CAT 2005 was way better than CAT 2004 in terms of first impression of the paper, For me it was a pleasant surprise as 90 questions were easy to attempt in 120 mins.My attempts in Mock CATS ranged betwwen 80-90. But as I proceeded I realised that it was really tough.My total attempts were 66. The paper was based more on the analytical abilty in all the three sections. It wasnt much abt time mgt coz no. of ques were less. English was scoring, quant was ok but DI-LR was a surprise as it was the toughest section.
In all it was a difficult paper. Nothing can be predicted as of now. coaching Institutes are declaring the cut offs n as they say a score b/w 45-46 cud get an IIM call...nothin is sure...
I hope i get a percentile sumwher b/w 80-85...all the best guys...dont worry plzzz...n dnt be depressed n plz dnt commit suicide...cheer up:))

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