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prithwish de
Tough Paper
by prithwish de on Nov 21, 2005 09:00 AM

hi friends,
the CAT paper was indeed tough,with english being the most toughest one.the options were very close and some question were difficlut to fathom.DI section was time consuming,specially the 2 marks questions.Maths was O.K,but people who were banking on english,would have come for a rude shock.

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had an amzing paper
by nakul on Nov 20, 2005 10:49 PM  | Hide replies

i had an amazing time........with relative less preparation that i did i guess i managed to do pretty well

di......18........17 correct
qa......23........20 correct
verbal...25.......23 correct

hopefully i should crack the scene!!

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RE:had an amzing paper
by Rishabh on Nov 21, 2005 01:07 PM
If ur claim is being taken at its face value, u r definitely gonna get into elite club of IIM-ites. Congrats!!!

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Paper was damn easy.....
by Ankit_Arora on Nov 20, 2005 10:40 PM

CAT 2005 was damn easy, DI was bit tough.
As Cat is famous for surprises, so this yr surprise was 2 mark questions,
I cudnt fare well,lets hope the best for next year for all those who feel they cudnt give it their best Shot.
After all its attitude that matters in CAT..

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DIfficult for me!!
by Zubin on Nov 20, 2005 10:30 PM

Hi Ppl
The CAT 2005 was tough for me,DI and English were my strong points but when i saw the paper they automatically became weak.....

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I am proud for myself !!!
by Rahul on Nov 20, 2005 10:24 PM

Yes,i am very happy and proud for myself,coz..i faired very well for the exam.Last year i wrote,but ended up with 83%.This year,the questions were moreover same,but some portions were confusing.Expected maths to be a challenge,lucky that,it was digestable.Keeping my fingers crossed for a decent IIM score :-) wishin u CAT aspirants all the best.

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Coaching institutes are to be close down
by Chinmaya on Nov 20, 2005 10:05 PM

Kudos to the questions designers.I really ponder,if coaching classes are of any help.

They take money, kill your time, and leaves you in desperation.

At recieving end of CAT, like many of you.Be happy. Its just a chance, you missed it.

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by RahulCVijay on Nov 20, 2005 09:50 PM

when i read from the front page of the booklet that CAT this year consists of just 90 questions,for a moment i leapt with joy.Then came to me an apprehension that,"Oh GOD!!if its just 90 questions WOULD it be GOdamm tough paper.I was expected for anything.Verbal was tough though i attempted for 37 marks qustions from it.DI n LR section was tough.You needed to select your set and needed to stick to it.I jus did 13 marks DI.PS was tough.But i happened to allot jus 24 minutes for it.So could just attempt 8 marks.IT WAS A GREAT LEARNING EXPERIENCE,whatever my final score will be.REALISED 1 thing that U GOT TO BE STRONG IN ALL AREAS AND TO EXPECT ANYTHING FOR CAT."

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