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Share your views on CAT 2005

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kalyan nanda
it wa ok
by kalyan nanda on Nov 21, 2005 02:53 PM

Hello all,
i think the paper was ok . required lot of ``out of box `` thinking. but then , for cracking cat, you have to fall in love with the beauty of the exam . tnd i think its beautiful .

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by Shivam on Nov 21, 2005 02:00 PM

Yeah! The paper was on a tougher side. Although I believe the tougher it gets, easier it is to crack for those who are having higher accuracy. And they were supported by less number of questions.

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Abhijit Pal
Views On Cat Paper
by Abhijit Pal on Nov 21, 2005 01:58 PM

Hi Everybody,
This time CAT Paper was a bit easy comparing the last 2 years paper.Quantitative part was easy,DI was bit Tricky & Verabal part was o.k.

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Comment on CAT
by Rahul on Nov 21, 2005 01:35 PM


I found that CAT was the toughest this year. I couldnt even solve one question.

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cat 05
by chhavisharma on Nov 21, 2005 01:23 PM

as it usually is... this time too CAT was pro-engineers... otherwise whats the point of giving the english section "manageable" ..(as many experts claim it to be).. so that it can be managed by engineers...
the DI part was horrible ...

if this is the case.. i think the IIM's need to change their eligibilty rules... and they should write in bold letters "FOR ENGINEERS... MOSTLY"

unless they think... all the serious applicants from humanities will be accomodated in that 8% of their student profile...

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less questions but overall difficult
by ABISHEK CHIRIPAL on Nov 21, 2005 01:21 PM

the system of cat exam has changed and there was only 90 questions but difficult.the questions were large enough but the answers opposite.the time spend on reading was more than answering.i feel it was a tough time, but if u had a presence of mind u can attend around 15 questions properly. number of passages were given from the newspapers.

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by ameya on Nov 21, 2005 12:45 PM

this yr CAT surprised us by a simple formula-"increase the toughness"..the va/rc section was nothing like i've seen before n the same goes for DI..quant was ok but overall i wd rate this paper as the toughest CAT paper so far!!!

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by mustafa on Nov 21, 2005 12:45 PM

A tricky EU section, a difficult DI section and an above average quant section. Overall: Rewarding Courage. Calculated risk takers shall survive.

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Mayank Kumar
CAT 2005
by Mayank Kumar on Nov 21, 2005 10:38 AM

CAT'05 was a complete surprise for all those expected to see 123 questions as in CAT'04 since many expected 123 pattern to follow at least for a year. English was on the easier side but DI was too difficult to handle. More no. of 2 marks ques. in DI meant a higher penalty for an incorrect answer. Moreover DS & purely LR was missing. Quant was also on a higher scale with less ques. on modern maths.

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Shrikant Somani
CAT 2005
by Shrikant Somani on Nov 21, 2005 09:58 AM

Hi all,
The CAT 2005 paper was different making the execution of planned starategies dicey.
However, i found it interesting and challenging.
I am getting a score of 59 - Eng 15, Quant - 21 and DI - 23. How do the experts evaluate my chances?

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