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A laptop for every budget

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Compaq V2148
by Tarun on May 24, 2005 10:58 AM

I wish to buy the compaq v2148 AP. It costs 72K. How good a investment is it.

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Kartik Shah
What about other brands
by Kartik Shah on May 24, 2005 10:54 AM

In your article, you have not mentioned many other well known brands like DELL.

Dell allows us to reconfigure and also is pretty reasonable especially for the high end range. You have also not mentioned anything regarding LG, Samsung, Zenith, etc.

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Sreenivas Desabhatla
A Laptop for every budget
by Sreenivas Desabhatla on May 24, 2005 09:59 AM

This article by Sachin Lele is very informative and usefull for a Computer buff like me. Itz an eye opener for people who claim that only Top brands are good. Hez given very nice tips for purchasing anassembled PC. I would appreciate if he gives the latest price of peripherals for assembling a laptop which will be informative for a hardware enthusiast like me.

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