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What I would do with Rs 1 crore

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my view
by vidi on May 15, 2005 09:56 PM

i ll spend it on all my outfits makeups chocos n carz

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if i get a crore !!!
by radha on May 13, 2005 10:33 PM  | Hide replies

first of all I will faint !!
next I would like to see how much would a crore rupees look like
if possible try to count them
buy lots of gold on akshaya tritiya day and see if all that would multiply
buy a fabulous house
a dream farm
go on a world tour in 40 days
save a little for my son orlse spend the rest so that i need not pay tax to govt ...lol

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Re: if i get a crore !!!
by Rajaji on Apr 27, 2009 02:14 PM
I like ur answer.

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by Vettiveen on May 13, 2005 02:19 PM

I would have bought enough land with a samll farm house and give job oppurtinities to couple of 1000 people to leave their life in happiness ...

If enough is available would have created artifical forests..

After all food and peace of mind are two things for which we are behind the money. .. if it can't get me that then it's of no use....

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kunal asodaria
Just 1 Cr is not enough.
by kunal asodaria on May 13, 2005 02:13 PM

just 1 cr is not enough

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what i would do with Rs 1 crore
by HARENDRA on May 13, 2005 02:00 PM

Obviously I will give it to the kidnappers who will kidnap me and ask for the ransom.

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Dr YNI Anand
What I would do with One Crore
by Dr YNI Anand on May 13, 2005 12:59 PM

The amount of one crore is welcome. I would spend at least 5 lakhs towards the construction a congregation hall in the temple of my native village. 10 lakhs will go in buying an ultrasound scanner which I will use to perform scans free on all the needy people who come to me. Another 10 will go in visiting some important places in the world with my wife and children. I will spend 5 lakhs towards improvement of my house. I will give 10 Lakhs to my wife to spend the way she likes. I will invest 30 lakhs in governmental securities that will fetch me around 20,000/- every month. I will invest 25 lakhs in stocks and shares at appropriate times. The final 5 lakhs will be kept as liquid cash for all emergencies and sundries.

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What I would do with Rs 1 crore
by sunil on May 13, 2005 12:55 PM

i would start a restaurant in chennai with a theme . The theme is secret as sooner or later i will start irrespective of i get 1 crore or not :-)

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Shwaeta Kaprawan
How I will Spent Rs. 1 Crore?
by Shwaeta Kaprawan on May 13, 2005 12:36 PM

Firstly I will buy a home which suits my family, then a comfortable car, some investments regarding my children's future, will give some money to my mother for my sister's marriage and at last I will go for a holiday to make my mind tension free.

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sharad singh
no worth
by sharad singh on May 13, 2005 11:58 AM

As per me money has noworth .As we came empty hand and go empty hand .We will not able to carry our house ,our car ,our bank account ,our share to next life .

If i get i will invest all of them in some social cause or in GOD's work

sharad singh

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