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How to make money in shares!

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santosh kumar verma
to know abt investment system in share.
by santosh kumar verma on May 13, 2005 02:16 PM  | Hide replies

i to invest money in share. how can i start for good growth. plz suggest me.



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davuluri koteswararao
RE:to know abt investment system in share.
by davuluri koteswararao on Dec 24, 2007 06:33 PM
If you keep your money for long time in market normally you wont get losses.One more thing is invest in diversified sectors that is dont concentrate on single sector and dont forget to look into previous performance of the company.
update with the news and shared market is more volatile for news.

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Re: to know abt investment system in share.
by mukesh on Apr 18, 2011 10:15 PM
dear mr verma if you have not enough knowledgeable chose a good broker which can help you ....

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