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Test your business skills!

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R.Shaanthi Girish
by R.Shaanthi Girish on Mar 18, 2005 04:21 PM

Mr.Rakesh should replace his father to a new CEO,since in business some times emotions does intrupt.Hence their both business line and moto towards business is differnt they have to seperately solve their probelem.
It is always wise to help each other staying away rather than combaining busuness.

shaanthi girish

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by monalisa on Mar 17, 2005 09:42 AM

the case study of Sunil is very familiar situation thesedays.its been such a good example of current scenario.it helped me considering as to what my skills are.

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Rohit Patel
Its fact
by Rohit Patel on Mar 15, 2005 11:19 PM

This is an excellent case study that happens nowadays. This really good model to test your brain for business skills.

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by P. SRINIVASA RAO on Mar 15, 2005 11:19 PM

Rakesh was young, energetic but enthusiastic person with no experience. Shivaraman with his 30 years of experience has not understood clearlythe intricacies of business. Instead of joining his son's businee he should have continued in his own business and supported his son in his new venture. This could have possibly supplemented the efforts of his son while keeping the company going. The gestation, particularly, when e-Maze is a new concept, initially time will take tp attract the customers. The gestation period should have been longer instead of two years. Second mistake committed by accpeting low marging outsoucing work of data entry. This would not gain the confidence of the potention clients definitely. When Rakesh is qualified IT professional with a vision and dynamism slowly but surely he would succeed in the, business had his father not the business of Rakeh and secondly dat entry job should not have been been accepted.

Now the alternatives left with Rakesh are (1) to hire a professional CEO for his company and (2) to take up the matter with their bankers and review the repayment schedule.

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reynel castelino,norfolk,,va
great article
by reynel castelino,norfolk,,va on Mar 15, 2005 08:02 PM

first and foremost ,im very much impressed by the thoughtfulness of this article and the kind of situation it projects which is very much likely scenario for many students studying in the united states thinking of returning home.

this is what rajesh should have done according to me:
1: worked in america for atleast 2-3 years for experience.
2:build up relations with american companies and establish contacts thru networking.
3:transfer that expertise to india on his return.
4:use that technology to market to indian customers after starting business in india.
5:use the internet to secure contracts and expand base and manage to secure orders from smaller foreign companies to build up cash base.
6:tell his father to manage basic aspects of business like sales,accounting,labour,indian laws etc.

its all easier said than done ,but whatthe hell giveit a shot.

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Just a question?
by RD on Mar 15, 2005 07:28 PM

Isn't this open for those not undergoing a management degree?

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