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If we all earned millions...

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This article is really amazing (= very good).
by akhil on Jul 30, 2005 04:50 PM

hi Preetee
you have written a damn good article. infact I haven't read any article so beautifully written on rediff in the recent past.i WANT SOME MORE FROM YOU.

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pradeep samal
nice article!
by pradeep samal on Jul 28, 2005 09:57 PM

...Great job!!! dont u worry about millions ...you are worth a billion !
we always forget, like there is a saying - "don't live to eat, rather eat to live ... in similar tone "don't live to earn, rather earn to live" ..because life is much more than just money.

Thank you for the nice article.

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Suman Dutta
by Suman Dutta on Jul 28, 2005 03:54 PM

Time is valuable for money.

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Technical error
by RJha on Jul 26, 2005 10:16 PM

It was a nice article by Preetee except that there was a technical fault when she said spectacles for lunar eclipse. Well we need spectacles for solar eclipse.

This error shows that whatever she mentions in the article are not her personal experience but just a fabricated one.

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u touched our heart!!
by pranav on Jul 26, 2005 09:40 PM

hi preetee u touched the heart of millions of people who might have read or will read this article. i hope that every Indian should read this article through any channel. As u remarked its not only heavy pocket that matters to the society but also a mediocre( i will not use poor as everbody is rich in some aspect). ur views suggest that one might not be lucky to get the bucks but the hardwork, the perseverance for that is itself is unsurpassable. Life is not for what u make for urself but for what u make for others from ur life. This is the true article encouraging each and every Indian to be "THE ONE".

I salute ur points. May this article bring a light of hope for all those still feel that why life is so hard rock even after using the dynamite of hardwork its not breaking. They will know now that the dynamite is itself is the power to change the world without that nothing can happen to the society.

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by vk on Jul 26, 2005 09:31 PM

and i am reading this for free... :-)

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harjot singh
Please stop this!
by harjot singh on Jul 26, 2005 09:25 PM

If you dont earn money, you can still be happy. If you are a very average person at your job, you can still be happy. You play sports for leisure and not toil to get medals, and be very happy. For years India has been plagued with these super intellectuals who always look for real happiness!!(not material!!) I will request Rediff to prevent these kind of articles from reaching masses. India is progressing at the moment and what we need are dynamic and energetic enterprueners and professionals. Please give Indians a drive, encouragement and enthusiasm. Let these kind of tired souls seek true happiness somewhere else.

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Savio Braganza
If we all earned millions
by Savio Braganza on Jul 26, 2005 09:18 PM

Excellent Article Preete.
You will get there.
All you need is a lil persistence.
As they say... Lightening strikes when you least expect it. It is exteremly important to carry the right attitidue one that is positive.


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by HS on Jul 26, 2005 08:07 PM

Wonderful article, hilarious to the tilt! hahaha

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Rahul Patel
good article
by Rahul Patel on Jul 26, 2005 05:43 PM

hi all,
its nice to see that some people still believe in simple living high thinking....it's a really thought provoking article...money can buy us comforts but not necessarily happiness....a lot of us must have definately experienced that excess money is the root cause of our many problems...as an average middle class indian i am very happy in the state i am ...i can hang around anywhere..sleep peacefully..laugh till my tears flow and enjoy in little moments ...share the togetherness of the people around me...its great ...thats what life is to be... to be always smiling..to be always happy(an expression which animals cannot express)....so whats if i dont have much wealth...i am rich in myself,for people who love me ....surely a nice artical in this materialistic world...cheers...rahul,perth

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