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Three easy steps to a great body

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want to loose weight
by jothi on Dec 06, 2005 11:22 PM

I'm jo.I'm 5.5 and 62 kg.help me to loose weight.i look plumpy.give details about exercises

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need muscle devolpment
by amit on Dec 06, 2005 01:42 PM

Hi i am 28 years old male and weigh 64kgs i used to go gym regularly for the past one month my shoulders are broad and there is no muscles devolopment and i have a very lose body so everything is normal till now please help me

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by avase on Dec 02, 2005 03:27 PM

eat lot of vegetables

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How to gain weight
by jyothi on Aug 12, 2005 07:53 PM  | Hide replies


I am 23years old, and i weigh 40kgs, kindly advise........i need to put on weight.

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mani menon
RE:How to gain weight
by mani menon on Dec 06, 2005 01:23 PM
im mani menon from chennai. im 29 years old and my weight is only 50kg,and my height is 6 foot. i want to gain weight can u please tell me how to gain.im waiting for ur reply.

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weight lose
by smitha on Jul 28, 2005 01:20 PM

im 28yrs old and weigh 75 kgs.i exercise alot byt not loosing much weight but loosing inches.
i want to plan ababy very soon.what should i do?

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how to lose weight and gain height
by suraj on May 22, 2005 05:17 PM

i want to know how can i lose weight (75 kgs)and gain some height (5.5).my age is 19 yrs

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excess weight
by An on May 18, 2005 06:49 PM  | Hide replies

Hi I am 28, 5'6" with 80 kgs. i hav started doing brisk walking 5 kms daily. is this helpfull for me as this is the only form of exercise possible for me.

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RE:excess weight
by ek on Jul 09, 2005 01:36 AM
Hi An,
I am a physician and was going thru ur posted mail..basically weight loss is a regular process with inputs of stretchign exercises + weight losing exercises....so u can choose betn the two...walking builds up ur spirit...its a kinda warm up..the real exercise comes after that...also ppl ask here aerobics or gym!!! its a natural choice to take in aerobics..gym is for body building..which doesnt target for weight loss...gym is basically for making muscles...it also has the reverse effect in the sense, once u stop going to gym..ur lost weight comes back...in aerobics, it isnt so...moreover u can do aerobics anywhere...not the gym...

hope this helps...

have a super day ahead....

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i want to loose weight
by lubna on May 03, 2005 09:27 PM

I am 26years of age and married i want to loose weight i weigh 68kg.i dont have access to a gym.so if u could guide me to loose weight so that i dont have any health problems in the future.thank you.

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by raul on May 03, 2005 06:22 PM

am a 23 year old man, am having 76 kg of weight and is 5'9 height..
i do work out daily...
i have extra pound in the side of my stomach..
how can u lose it...

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