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Burn that fat! Here's how!

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by priya on Jul 06, 2005 08:14 PM

iam 21 yr old ,5'2". actually i was a classical dancer but from past 5yrs i have left that. and yes due to this i have gained weight.
my face is very small than anyways other.
plz hep me to loose wieght .
and yes i do even have height problem. at this age can i become more heighted
plz answer my queries.


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by NM on Jul 06, 2005 05:24 PM

I used to work out till bout 3 years back and used to do heavy weights..now i stay away from home and food habits are haywire..inbetween i was in the UK for a year..ive gained a lot of weight especially on my face and upper body...I am 26 years old and now in a multinational and it is a confidence downer as i am used being in shape...im touching 6ft in height and i weigh 85 kilo's..but look fat in terms of upper body belly and face..could you please send me a personal email reply as to remediyin this situation...i starve or else eat junk food which is typical of a bachelor stayin in a room and working..i would appreciate a personal email reply..help me
thank you soo much

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need help
by akanksha on Apr 11, 2005 06:08 PM  | Hide replies

hi i m akanksha and i desperatly need ur hlp.i hv okay sorts of body.but i hv problem wid my face.it looks very much swollen all the time.is there any specific exercise for this.plz lt me know

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by Damini on Mar 21, 2005 08:14 PM

I am 26yrs old and 5'4" and weigh 69kgs. I am pure vegeterian but eat junk food a lot and drink one big glass of horlicks before going to bed. I am very Aneamic and so feel tired a lot but whatever food I am taking is only getting turned to fat. Most of the fat is accumulated in thighs and I have tummy which doesnt decrease even when I used to be active. I have a lower back problem, so when I joined Aerobics I cud not do most of the excercises. I have Dysmenorea because of which I cannot do anything for 7 days in a month. Can u seggest some exercise to overcome all this and diet also.

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Loosing circumfrantially
by K.VEE.SHANKER. on Feb 24, 2005 08:48 AM  | Hide replies

Dear Samreedhi,

I'm 50 year old male of 5'6" and 64 kgs and generally healthy.I'm satisfied with my figure except for the tummy that has started bulging(34" now).I tried to reduce it.
I did about 40 minutes of aerobics that includes about various exercises for belly(say 15 minutes) for 3 months.I don't have any bad habits and I (Vegetarian)don't diet.But my belly refuses to budge.
I read that spot reduction is next to impossible.I also saw people who regularly exercise and diet fail to reduce their belly.So I'm diffident about reducing my belly especially at my age.


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vipin gandhi
RE:Loosing circumfrantially
by vipin gandhi on Mar 07, 2005 08:06 PM
100 % it is possible to reduce your tummy. you need to take our following food items as per pogram given.
nutritional milk shake
multivitamin, mineral, herb tablets
cell u loss capsules
vipin gandhi, mumbai
tel : 098201 13009, 022 24125512

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To increase my weight
by R.Manikandan on Feb 18, 2005 09:05 PM  | Hide replies

I am a software professional working in a software company as an embedded engineer. I was so lean and weak that it was decreasing my personality, I can't go for an interview with this personality. Since personality is a main issue in Interview point of view I want to increase my personality.

You are giving sugession for decreasing weight I am in need of sugession form you for increasing weight weight.

If my words or approach was wrong please forgive me and sent me a good decision to increase my weight.

I am looking for your mail which is going to be a turing point in my life.

Thanking you,

Yours Truly,

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vipin gandhi
RE:To increase my weight
by vipin gandhi on Mar 07, 2005 07:56 PM
to increase your wt, the cells of your body needs to be detoxified with the use of cell activator food tablets. this will increase your absorption power. also your 3 meals needs to be supplemented by our 3 nutritious milk shakes. vipin gandhi mumbai tel : 98201 13009, 022 24125512

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