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The lowdown on preference shares

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Vinit Chordia
Private Cos
by Vinit Chordia on Mar 19, 2008 01:45 PM  | Hide replies

Can a private compny issue preference shares to investors? Does the same structure applies as the public company?

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vijay kumar
Re: Private Cos
by vijay kumar on Jan 13, 2009 09:56 PM
dear vinit chordia,private companies are not eligible to issue and there is no need to issue any type of shares like equity and preference shares,because they run on their own capital.Hence the name is private company.....

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Re: Re: Private Cos
by Madhusudhan on Jun 12, 2009 09:22 PM
PLEASE CALL 09337707000

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brokerage over preferencence share
by on Mar 13, 2008 12:13 AM

please inform me about the maximum percentage of brokerage on preference share

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Shantanu Dutta
Pref Share
by Shantanu Dutta on Feb 02, 2008 06:40 PM

about 4 years i am selling pref. share for a diversified co. if anybody interested to buy or sell can contact me in shan_tanu_dutta@rediffmail.com.

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akash jain
prefrential shares!
by akash jain on Feb 02, 2008 03:51 PM

I AKASH JAIN have 100 prefrentail shares of essar steel. what will be the value of these shares at present. please let me know if possible & how i can sell them as well.

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yash thakur
Query on preference shares ?
by yash thakur on Nov 02, 2007 01:53 PM  | Hide replies

Are all preference shares are convertible into ordinary shares ?
if i apply for shares lets say for Reliance then is it possible that they issue preference shares to me without even asking ?

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RE:Query on preference shares ?
by on Dec 13, 2007 03:44 PM
under the Indian Compnaies Act, 1956 there are two kinds of shares; equity and preference. The key distinction that lies in a preference share over an equity share is the right of dividend before its given on equity shares and a preference during the winding up of the company. These are strictly adherent to public companies and not to pure private companies.
The Indian companies act specifically bars ireedemable preference shares being alloted, meaning that now all preference shares issued shall be redeemeable at the call of the share holder or at a contingent period as specififed by the company.

It is unlikely that you will get preference shares as the company generally issues these to qualified investors who make capital investments substantial enough to change the paid up capital of the company. It is ultimately the call of the company to do so, but generally companies issue equity shares when applied for

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by RAJENDRA PATEL on Jul 05, 2007 02:28 PM  | Hide replies

i have been allocated the preferential shares instead of normal share for DLF. any idea how and when can i sell those shares? should i sell them at first place??

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by on Dec 13, 2007 03:52 PM
if it is a public company or a subsidiary of a public company the shares can be sold off at any point of time after the issue. The primary concept of the companies act is to let the individuals have freedom to sell/purchase shares traded at a stock exchange. You can sell the same at open market or convert them into equity shares at your behest

I don't think it is a good idea to sell preference shares as they gove you benefits over equity shares, these are good for investment and even if a company plans to go into liquidation preferrential shareholders will be the first to get their money back, so they are definately better than equity shares.

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by on Dec 13, 2007 03:54 PM
sorry the earier para was for equity shares, preference shares have a lock in period after which they will be bought back by the company or can be traded

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Query on preference shares
by SHIKHA on Dec 22, 2006 10:21 AM  | Hide replies


I am in doubt that whether a company can issue preference shares with two rates of dividend i.e. e.g. A company issues preference shares for five years with 12% rate of interest for 3 years and 14% rate of interest for next 2 years.

I needs urgent reply, if anyone can.


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RE:Query on preference shares
by on Mar 12, 2008 11:55 PM
there is no problem with it,only thing is that for this two saperate reedimption option to be taken in special resolution and allotment filing should be in two saperate lots

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Ranjit Kumar
is there any rules and regulation for issuing pref. share
by Ranjit Kumar on Nov 05, 2006 10:34 PM

is there any rules and regulation for issuing prefernce share i.e,Can a new company issue preference capital? please give more information so that i can aware this and i will honourable to you.

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