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The MBA Caste System

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it was just about merit and not the caste.
by KAlyan on Oct 25, 2004 08:34 PM

The so called companies which say "We don't go to institutes below Bajaj." aren't fools to prefer caste rather than thier huge investment on their companies.
Which reputed company requires unworthy employees of the caste they prefer? It is an absolute blunder to think those comapnies recruit only a section of people ignoring the merit.

Why to blame the companies, if merited candidates are particularly from a single section of people?
They cant deny them, just because they hail from particular caste.

Similarly, a worthy candidate cant sit idle by jast blaming the companies, which denied him. He will always have a an open oppurtunity, where he will jump into.

If you are still worrying, you need to be better equipped with competent knowledge and skills. Not the Compalints.

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The MBA Caste System
by ton.ami on Oct 25, 2004 07:10 PM

Yeah.. It is unfair to brand all ISchols as IITians. There are a fair number of non IIT gus who get ISchols. This include CAs, Bcoms and non glamourous techies. IITians do corner most of the ISchols. This is partly because they are smart and they do well in Quant, operations and computer papers.

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by ranjan on Oct 25, 2004 06:14 PM

Respected Ma'm,

I dont know if u r reading this, but as u know very well, the IIT-IIM differential is not played up by the people who have the tag; infact sometimes u even hate it because it creates such a stupid differentiation; but whr does it stop is the answer dat lies not wid us; its just a reflection of the cutthroat competition prevalent; and in such a scenario the corporates stick with what they "perceive" as the best choices. Now how exactly one would change that perception is a qn mere mortals like me can't answer :).

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