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Atul Mishra
by Atul Mishra on May 12, 2009 02:23 PM  | Hide replies

I think if we compare without any partiality, BJP is far better than Congress. The main reason about giving and edge to BJP over Congress is the fact that Congress has much more criminal minded and corrupt allies compared to BJP. People like Lalu, Mulayam, Mayawati, Shibu soren, Karunanidhi are easily the most corrupted leaders in India we have today. No one of these is going to join BJP at any cost but all them are either connected with Congress or will connect to Congress after election. This can be taken as simple whole reason to neglect Congress over BJP.

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hiral joshi
by hiral joshi on May 12, 2009 08:16 PM
BJP is best choice

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by sudhir on May 12, 2009 03:15 PM

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amit sadarangani
by amit sadarangani on May 12, 2009 05:51 PM
The time has come that both the parties i.e. congress and bjp form the national government both have same policies they should throw out parties like sp, bsp, cpi ,cpm and other blackmailers in to the arabian sea

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Loan Shark
by Loan Shark on May 12, 2009 08:01 PM
stop pretending to be impartial

both parties have their plussses and minusses ... their accomplishments and failures .. the voters will decide or have already decided ... give it just a few more days

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bharat kumar
by bharat kumar on May 12, 2009 03:16 PM

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by rumwhisky on May 12, 2009 01:58 PM  | Hide replies

Take Dharmendra, Hemamalini,Vinod Khanna,Jaya Bhaduri, earlier Rajesh Khanna, all were just dolls in politics, they are just wasting public money of the tax payers, they are not capable of doing anything for the public, they are only good for acting and living a posh life, by joining politics, their main purpose is to evade tax and make some more money out of it, Filmi dialogues looks good in the SCREEN, or said in the gathering, but this is not a reality show, its the life and livehood of the people and they are really far behind, people should get educated and know the motive behind these people contesting in the first place, see the public gatherings of Sanjay Dutt, its become like a LAUGHTER CHALLENGE SHOW, that the people are taking part, all that CHAPI, BAPPI, there is not seriousness in the issue, that is the reason our country is still going backwards

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Loan Shark
by Loan Shark on May 12, 2009 08:02 PM
govinda, shtrughan sinha and shekhar suman tooo

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Dinesh Agarwal
by Dinesh Agarwal on May 12, 2009 11:23 PM

also include LS

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surinder singh
Vinod Khanna - an old actor
by surinder singh on May 12, 2009 01:49 PM  | Hide replies

Can someone tell the contribution of VK during MP hood. He is mumbaiwala and surely this time he will taste defeat at hands of Bajwa. Pepole want the progress and for time passing seeing Hema is not bad but when the time will come people of my arae will surely vote for progress and the man liked to them directly. Badals and company remember 1984 only during election and what they have done to save the turban of panth? Any Shahidi by Badal clan? I think some of SAD persons are very sad as they wear khaki nikkar!!!

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Loan Shark
Re: Vinod Khanna - an old actor
by Loan Shark on May 12, 2009 08:04 PM
it is hard to measure anyone's contribution ... I think the votes are a good yeard stick for measurement ...if khanna has been elected thrice, I think the voters like him

But, he could lose this time ... who knows? except for the voters!!

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deep dar
Re: Vinod Khanna - an old actor
by deep dar on May 12, 2009 01:57 PM
congress ke chamche, what progress has congress done in 55 years?

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Achievements of NDA
by Deviprasad on May 12, 2009 01:45 PM  | Hide replies

BJP ruled states are developing and well governed.
Vajpayee's 6 years regime was a good government for Nation's development and checked on food price rises for all Indian citizens.
Golden Quadruples: Infrastructure development
Sarva Siksha Abiyan (SSA): For providing education to all
Initiated Study panel to link all Indian rivers: For agriculture / economy development
Pokran Nuclear test: To proclaim world that is India is technically capable and changed India’s role in world as dictating country instead just listening country
Good management of economy: Part of India’s loan repaid
Look east foreign Policy: Instead of running behind western countries, concentrate on Eastern countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia etc and get the items cheaply
Initiated Muslim / Hindu leaders dialog: To solve Ayodya issue amicably as the court is delaying its verdict & as 2/3 majority not available to pass a motion like Shawbanu case.
Implementing Laws Like POTA: Which will make the Indian origin people fear to help / support foreign origin Terrorist activities to control terrorism
Abdul kalam as President & George Fernandez as Defense Minister: Shown people that BJP is Secular / Patriotic Indians will always get their deserving positions
Effective control of TRAI: Which made the cell phone network revolution in India
Effective control of Railways: Which become base for current development in railways.

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kamaal udd
Re: Achievements of NDA
by kamaal udd on May 13, 2009 12:25 AM
Yeah thats why they were voted out of power..lol

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Loan Shark
Re: Achievements of NDA
by Loan Shark on May 12, 2009 08:05 PM
NDA CANNOT take credit for laloo's turnaround for the railways

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Lal Asthana
by Lal Asthana on May 12, 2009 01:36 PM

The citizens of India are wise enough to understand which candidate is trying to charm them for votes. No votes merely on one time charm VK commanded. Now he neither remains charming nor an outstanding politician with worth mentioning accomplishments, so the voters have better option.

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Amit Sharma
Re: Vinod
by Amit Sharma on May 12, 2009 01:32 PM
YEH vote for Congis. They have respect for Sikhs as amply demonstrated by appointment of Tytler and Sajjan. And listen to MMS. Forget '84 riots but remember Gujarat riots.

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Pappu Nuni
'BJP will emerge as the single largest party'
by Pappu Nuni on May 12, 2009 01:19 PM  | Hide replies

Varun Gandhi Jinda bad Modi jindabad, Congress bhart chodo, congress bhagaow desh bachow

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Loan Shark
Re: 'BJP will emerge as the single largest party'
by Loan Shark on May 12, 2009 08:07 PM
even if BJP is the single largest party, I doubt that NDA will go oevr 200 seats ... so, NDA will be forced to either support someone from 3rd/4th front candidate from the outside or continue to sit in the opposition

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ravi krishnan
3 terms? for what?
by ravi krishnan on May 12, 2009 12:52 PM  | Hide replies

I dont beileve his charm alone had made him an MP for 3 terms....obviously there's more to the man.Rediff should do some home work and show how the MP has beneifited his constituency....

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Re: 3 terms? for what?
by rumwhisky on May 12, 2009 02:02 PM
When a fool like Dharmendra can win, what else has vinod Khanna to do, both are stupid fools, only their filmi image has got them votes, because of the total lack of development or any basic education, they dont know the reality of the world, and these leaders never want them to come and see the world,take Hemamalini, when she goes and speaks, she still talks about the young basanti, though now this old basanthi only the flies are running around her face, not knowing they use to come to see her not what she can deliver, they knew she was a dumb doll

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Jomesh George
Film and sports stars - Not big success in politics
by Jomesh George on May 12, 2009 12:37 PM  | Hide replies

Celebrities who turned politicians rarely succeeded in Politics or administration.Sunil Dutt was an exception.Even Amitabh bachan and Rajesh Khanna were failures as MPs.I admire the sincerity of Amir Khan who capmpaigned for forcing public to caste their votes still keeping away from active politics.Mammootty also should be appreciated.Even though he is the chairman of CPM sponsored "Kairali TV'' he didn't come forward for any election campaign for the party and was keeping neutral when he shared his political thoughts.In my opinion Film stars and sports personalities should contribute to their respective fields without entering politics.But Beaurocrats (like IAS personalities)can be welcomed to politics after their retirement considering their administrative experience and skills.

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Lal Asthana
Re: Film and sports stars - Not big success in politics
by Lal Asthana on May 12, 2009 01:39 PM
Jomesh, Rajesh Khanna is the second highest tax payer in Bollywood. He is neither an actor nor a politician nor a businessman. I keep wondering what makes him earning so much to cough up 6 odd Crore Rupees as Income Tax?

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Pow Wow
Re: Film and sports stars - Not big success in politics
by Pow Wow on May 12, 2009 02:22 PM
Sunil Dutt ruined his constituency by filling it up with Slums and especially Musl1ms.
The worst actor ever to have joined politics. Govinda did not do anything, but Dutt screwed the Bombay North Central Constituency.

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