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Shri Ram
Mumbai voters
by Shri Ram on May 01, 2009 01:39 AM  | Hide replies

These Mumbaikars are scummm on this land.. they just talk big..

Its the least percentage of voting.. s(h)ame on u MUMBAIKARS and thakreys

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New York
Re: Mumbai voters
by New York on May 01, 2009 01:48 AM

So what would you have them do? Waste a whole day to earn two rupees like you did by voting for Mayawati!!

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rohan shah
Re: Re: Mumbai voters
by rohan shah on May 01, 2009 03:24 AM
you idiot, mayawati did not stand in mumbai. and btw there were some good ppl who had done something for the country.

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Re: Re: Mumbai voters
by DEEPAK PATIL on May 01, 2009 01:55 AM
very well said

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Kafir Sahab
Re: Re: Re: Mumbai voters
by Kafir Sahab on May 01, 2009 02:02 AM

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Muslms & chrstans are terrorsts
by vidhu on May 01, 2009 01:31 AM  | Hide replies

All chrstans are murdrers.
Any thing good they do is only a bait.
Chrstans, muslms, skhs & jews are similar.
Chrstan priests bribe terrorsts like LTTE, maoists & naxals
to murdr non-chrstans.

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Kafir Sahab
Re: Muslms & chrstans are terrorsts
by Kafir Sahab on May 01, 2009 01:59 AM

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New York
Re: Muslms & chrstans are terrorsts
by New York on May 01, 2009 01:32 AM

You are high!

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jimmy joseph
who is middle class ?
by jimmy joseph on May 01, 2009 01:02 AM  | Hide replies

who got favors from 'Indian National Congress' through reserve for 'UPLIFT',who later forgot the 'Blessing in Disguise' for worldly lust and narrow at Heart.
These forces are not traditional or progressive either ,just selfish.

They didn't find confused advani a 'DOER for them',more trusted on second fiddle 'modi'.

Thats why these mads didn't vote.

anyhow 'INC' got it share to 'UPLIFT' the needy also educate a New Middle CLASS ,where Humanity is part of 'EVERYBODY' S Life.

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Krishnan R
Election card with ID must be sufficient
by Krishnan R on May 01, 2009 12:53 AM  | Hide replies

Everybody who has a valid election card with a valid ID to identify them must be allowed to vote.
Fingerprinting must be used to validate a person. Also it is a good time to get fingerprinting of people coming in for voting. If goondas and criminals come, their fingerprinting can also be taken. This can be had in national secured database. Such database can help trace and solve criminal cases.
Innocents does not have to fear giving their fingerprints and criminals will be kept away from polling booths if they do not want their fingerprints to be in national database.

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Irgun Stern
Re: Election card with ID must be sufficient
by Irgun Stern on May 01, 2009 01:00 AM
i was the presiding officer this time too. there were around 870 voters who cast their votes in my polling station. but i asked my team not to ask for any type of identity from the voters. the election commission like the UGC makes slutty laws which are not practicable.

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New York
Re: Re: Election card with ID must be sufficient
by New York on May 01, 2009 01:01 AM

Good one, stern!

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Re: Re: Election card with ID must be sufficient
by antoniopope on May 01, 2009 01:22 AM
did you get the vote through reservation or vote bank, stern

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Swaminathan Subramanian
Your name in electoral list
by Swaminathan Subramanian on May 01, 2009 12:44 AM  | Hide replies

Yes, many people could not vote because their name was not there though they had previously voted many times. This is not a new problem in Mumbai/Maharashtra, the premier city of India. Mumbai is cosmopolitan, the administration still struggles with names and address. Many co-voters complained why Government of Maharashtra could not recruit literate staff as those who make it neither know, Hindi or English nor Marathi even. Or the whole exercise is all manipulation. Who is going to find out and rectify things? I am afraid it will never be here as it is their pride!

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Irgun Stern
Re: Your name in electoral list
by Irgun Stern on May 01, 2009 12:48 AM
bottomline is india is not ready for democratic govt. it'll take another 80 years or so. why not bring east india company back. indians become manageable only if their butts are kicked by white masters.

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Re: Re: Your name in electoral list
by antoniopope on May 01, 2009 01:24 AM

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New York
Re: Re: Re: Your name in electoral list
by New York on May 01, 2009 01:31 AM

no poppoo, She is going nowhere! She is here to stay!

If and when she leaves it will be after she has converted a sizeable part of heendoos into pope-lovers like her!!

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New York
Re: Re: Your name in electoral list
by New York on May 01, 2009 12:56 AM

Stern, your "solution" has already been adopted and implemented by the UPA!

The collective posteriors of UPA's rank and file are very well "mobilized" by a White albeit Italian "Mastress"!

All that remains to be done is getting the non-UPA to do the same and we should heaven on earth soon!!

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mammen antony
If this is the attitude towards democracy
by mammen antony on May 01, 2009 12:43 AM  | Hide replies

Let us take a decision that Democracy can not bring forth any good for the citizens, we will switch over to Military Rule or Autocracy. Remember the apathy towards democratic process is the symptom of the fatal decease our neighbour has been afflicted with.And it is matter of days before it can disintegrate and vanish.Choice is yours

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Irgun Stern
Re: If this is the attitude towards democracy
by Irgun Stern on May 01, 2009 12:45 AM
u have my vote mammen.
democracy stinks. heil hitler.

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by jas on May 01, 2009 12:30 AM  | Hide replies

I feel the EC should be blamed for this entire fiasco . I feel EC in coordination with rulling congress - ncp government manage all this show . The date of 30 th april thusrsday is very much surprisable. Thursday holiday , 1 may - friday -maharashtra day again holiday follwed by saturday ,sunday . What is more needed for Mumbaikars who needs break and go out on travel that is what EC and rulling government needed other wise anti incombancy 26/11 would have wiped out Congress-Ncp .
I sincerely feels that 29 april -wednesday and we could have seen more voting than today .
But our prime agency dosent want educated public to vote so what can we do .

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Akshay Bhatt
by Akshay Bhatt on May 01, 2009 12:41 AM
EC should be sued for this fiasco....there thousands of Bangladeshis who got ration card and election card and were able to vote...and you can guess for whom they voted...Nooo...not for BJP...and the citizens of India were barred from voting.. Is this a joke??

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by success on May 01, 2009 12:22 AM  | Hide replies

See the headline -Pakistan defeat taliban and you are showing mumbai voter turnout !

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New York
by New York on May 01, 2009 12:30 AM

success, please let them be! They are tired!

And you would be too if you had to chase third-rate bollywood actors and Nth-rate Indian politicians all day!

You can think of it as a "prediction" by this publication or an UPA dream - to have those fanatical animals running around "imposing" a "higher" will (of UPA) on the masses!

Everybody in the UPA would be ecstatic if someone could "make" every single Indian bow down to the Maharani Italiano like they do!!

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manjunath moolya
by manjunath moolya on May 01, 2009 12:31 AM
haan yaar .i think reporter was also not allowed to vote ha ha ha

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mammen antony
My accusing finger at EC
by mammen antony on May 01, 2009 12:21 AM

It is the babus again creating havoc in the Election process too. The primary reasons for the low turn out
1. EC has not provided yet a common website where I can confirm my name,polling booth
5% of the total Mumbai Electrorate just did not want to just run inthe 40 degree C from poll to pillar.They just slept the day through .10% of the total voters thus just slept at the cost Govt.
2.Even the Govt.employees name have been missing from the list, and waas summarily send back(nearly 8% to 10% of the total electorate of Mumbai) the ulterior motive of the EC is yet not known.
3.The most Uncooperative anti-Indian attitude of the Corporate sector, who literally disallowed a leave for their employees to vote must have reduced the voter turn out by another 5%
5.EC did not use their brains in fixing the date of the poll.Govt.employees and certain Corporate employees literally got a wind fall of continuous 4 days leave to enjoy , and they packed and went out, and it amounts another 10%( it includes those who are normally on a trip to their Native places around this time of the year)EC could have atleast fix the poll date on Tuesady 28 April, the damage would have been lesser)
Now almost 35% of Non-Voters have been accounted and the rest 15% is perpetual defaulters, means they are beyond redemption.There is nothing like Anti-incumbancy, anger towards power, or dislike for democracy, or polarisation of voters etc as made out by Jethmalani.

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