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roy ninan
DElete the names from Ration card if u do not vote
by roy ninan on May 01, 2009 03:29 AM  | Hide replies

Democracy means not to Vote, please erase the names of people who have not voted in this election from Ration Card. then th epeople undeerstand the value of democracy

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raju chaturvedi
Re: DElete the names from Ration card if u do not vote
by raju chaturvedi on May 01, 2009 07:06 AM
Roy, It is so easy to talk. Iam one of those whose name disappeared from the lists.I have filled the forms again twice, followed it up with several visits and inspite of all promises, had to return from the booth without voting as my name was still not there. And now you want to go after my ration card, for what fault of mine?

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Super star
Re: DElete the names from Ration card if u do not vote
by Super star on May 01, 2009 03:51 AM
If you really want me to vote, show me the real true person in Indian politics today. I cannot clean the system individually but why should I be forced to select one of the corrupts? u should have rather said why dont we delete the names of people who cast vote illegaly, delete the names of the people who are corrupt and spoil others...you will be corrupt, you will do all evil, you want citizens to endorse you by voting.. go die

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Super star
Re: Re: DElete the names from Ration card if u do not vote
by Super star on May 01, 2009 03:53 AM
Also, you need to undeerstand, sorry, understand ABCs and spellings

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roy ninan
Nothing going to Change in the Policies
by roy ninan on May 01, 2009 03:22 AM

Why cannot all ration card holders in MUmbai have single ID proceddure,
every five years u have names erased in the list,who is to blame, if the muncipality staff only sitting to make hafta and chai -pani , BEST we donot vote, PLease stop paying TAxes, Mumbaikar, everything well be ok in 1 year time.

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tirupati addagtala
Nothing is going to change in India
by tirupati addagtala on May 01, 2009 03:07 AM  | Hide replies

Whoever wins in the elections nothing is going to change: standard of living of the poor is not going to change, corruption is not going to change, govt.....

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rohan shah
Re: Nothing is going to change in India
by rohan shah on May 01, 2009 03:20 AM
you idiot, if u think nothing will change then why on earth r u even writing this msg on rediff.

idiots like u like only cribbing, and would never want to do anything for self nor for society.

it will be hard work & determination of ppl that can bring abt the change.

these politicians are not from some other country or planet, they are among us indians only. if u want change then you will have to struggle, not right stupid statments on internet

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Super star
Re: Re: Nothing is going to change in India
by Super star on May 01, 2009 03:55 AM
I am wondering why you are wasting time on internet and commenting about others when you are the Mr.Perfect who will die for people and bring the change. We are not like you so we are here. you should be dying now to bring the change. go bring the change and die. we want to see that man :)

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Blue Bird
Ladte Raho
by Blue Bird on May 01, 2009 02:58 AM

Ladte raho, aur marte raho, all politicians will enjoy.....
Kabh sudhrenge hum.

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by ArunKumarGhatual on May 01, 2009 02:57 AM  | Hide replies

I was a polling officer in Orissa for 2009 General Election. One lady of 52 years old came for vote. But I astonished when I could not found her name in the Electoral Roll although her husband, sons and daughter's name have included in the list. The lady could not cast her vote as per the guide lines by the Election Commission. The Officers dealing with the preparation of Electoral Rolls should be penalised for these cases.

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Super star
by Super star on May 01, 2009 03:57 AM
YOU look to be a very innocent officer. In Andhra, a family came to voting. they were stopped. Some party members said they can vote on behalf of them and asked the family not to strain so much by voting. In front of the election officer, the gang took over the ballot and voted. Jai chiranjiva !!!

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middle finger
See the words of the great advani!!
by middle finger on May 01, 2009 02:13 AM  | Hide replies

"There should be a fixed tenure for all Assemblies and the Lok Sabha. If the government loses majority mid-term then any party that can muster majority should form the government. It won't be a big issue even if there are two or three governments within the five-year term. Elections for Lok Sabha and state Assemblies should also take place together," said Advani.
This is enough proof that he has completely lost it!

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middle finger
Re: See the words of the great advani!!
by middle finger on May 01, 2009 02:17 AM
It won't be a big issue even if there are two or three governments within the five-year term.

This is the stability BJP has in mind for India!!

And can Advani please explain whatever happened to the small thing called democratic process of election??? guys like him will not think twice before bringing down a ruling government! old but empty heads like him are the reason that indian has only hung parliament and makes it virtually impossible for any single party to form the government! these old but unwise men are the reason why india is on a steady graph...downward moving graph!

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New York
Re: Re: See the words of the great advani!!
by New York on May 01, 2009 02:34 AM

middle finger, go back into that place you came out of - MMS's backside!

Cutlet, what is stability according to you? The one that is bought by votes from "imported" voters like you??

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Kafir Sahab
by Kafir Sahab on May 01, 2009 02:05 AM  | Hide replies

if kasab would have given ticket by congress from Dharawi, then he would have won with a huge margin...

in Bombay, Dharawi, Mahim etc are like mini pakistan..if you enter there, everywhere you would see jaalidar topi people all around..

sign-boards with urdu..

green flags with chaand-tara.., from a distance looks like pakistani flag..

No-body sings vandey matram there

Even a person from a third country can tell that these type areas are heaven for is1amic terrorists, fundamentalists, anti-Hindustanis, pro-pakistanis...

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rohan shah
Re: kasab
by rohan shah on May 01, 2009 03:22 AM
you idiot, urdu is a beautiful language that originated in india - during the time of mughal rule around the UP region.

its pakistan who are using a foreign lang as their national language. their language should have been punjabi, sindhi & pashtuni

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Ashwin Ramaswamy
Re: kasab
by Ashwin Ramaswamy on May 01, 2009 02:13 AM
LOL..based on the colour green you judge everything..the green is part of our national flag as well if you remember . what is wrong with signboards in urdu..any language is allowed in a country like India..as for "no body sings vande mataram there" its just your assumption as you cannot think with a broad mind . even a person from a third country can tell that you need to think in a broader sense..not base everything on anti-Muzlim rhetoric..and as for political parties all are the same..maybe we can say SP is the worst..

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New York
Re: Re: kasab
by New York on May 01, 2009 02:42 AM

How do you know what they do or don't do there?

Sickular clowns like you are handing our identity over to these traitors so that they can feel elitist!

But enjoy the feeling while it lasts! The day when the moollaas mount your backside are not far away!

You an then blame yourself and your sickularism for your plight!!

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Super star
Re: Re: kasab
by Super star on May 01, 2009 04:00 AM
why did you not travel in the mumbai local train on 7/7? thats why you are commenting like this. wish you or your family members were on board and you would not comment. get lost

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Devdutt Nayak
Corporate style govt? right to callback? really?
by Devdutt Nayak on May 01, 2009 01:56 AM  | Hide replies

so many want the corporate style implemented.

That means an appraisal!!
And you being *fired* if you don't meet targets!

Do we see right to callback coming to Indian democracy?

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Kafir Sahab
Re: Corporate style govt? right to callback? really?
by Kafir Sahab on May 01, 2009 02:03 AM

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rasik savla
Re: Corporate style govt? right to callback? really?
by rasik savla on May 03, 2009 01:52 PM
We already tried the same at the time of
26/11 firing at taj
And it realy works
Vilasraw have resigned because of us only..
It is proved that we are boss and politician is employees

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