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''What''s the point of voting''

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Ashwin Raje
Its a sad state of affair
by Ashwin Raje on May 01, 2009 12:37 AM

My condolances with the Gohil family, what Damyanti feels is an expression of a dejected mother. Over 100 people lost their life in 26/11, their parents and family must have been devastated by the tragic loss, with each person dead there are several dreams shattered. We need to vote for Change, now more than ever. If we can do anything on our part to get justice to an ailing mother is to ensure there are no more deaths on account of terrorism in India. Vote of Change!

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bharat kapoor
by bharat kapoor on Apr 30, 2009 11:58 PM  | Hide replies

Every day we see Sonia & Rahul speechifying about Congress tackling terrorism with a strong hand . The `shrill' strength is increasing day by day . In their hearts these chair `chipkoos' are so timid that they are scared to punish even a convicted terrorist for fear of losing their chair . And the excuse is full of `black humour'- there are senior convicts in the death row ! Pray must Sonia equate a terrorist killer of security men and a husband killer of wife's paramour . And see the efficiency - AFZAL's case is already 4 years old ! Even if the congress manages to get another term AFZAL'S case will still continue to wait . Why ? Because there would still be senior convicts . The shrill one should know that people realise that preventing a terrorist attack may be difficult because element of surprise is with the attacker but they expect swift action and deterrent punishment when terrorists are caught . That is strength ,not the shrillness quotient .

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Loan Shark
by Loan Shark on May 01, 2009 12:40 AM
at least UPA ordered commondoes to fight the terorrists and not went into negotiating the release of hostages for some terrorists

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Ashwin Ramaswamy
by Ashwin Ramaswamy on May 01, 2009 12:55 AM
oppurtunistic politics of BJP:
Advani okaying the Indo-US Nuclear deal now . Same deal was opposed earlier . Now BJP trying to come back to power so they have no problems with it

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by Suresh on May 01, 2009 01:02 AM
I guess you have not studied the 75 page nuclear deal and the objectios raised by BJP. BJP has issues about the deal in the current form and were never against the Nuclear Energy persay. Having said that, it is the moral duty of any incumbent government to honour the international commitments of the previous Govt. Otherwise, we would be seen as a nation of detractors.

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by Suresh on May 01, 2009 12:48 AM
There was no hostage situation at all... if they had held 170 people in Taj and started kill them one by one... UPA would have released Afzal Guru, without an iota of doubt. Pls do not try to mislead the public. Even Chidambaram admitted that Kandahar release was inevitable...

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Krishnan R
Rest of india who were lucky must vote
by Krishnan R on Apr 30, 2009 11:49 PM

It is really a sad story and must be painful for Gohil family to have been the victim. In order to protect ourselves from such victimization in future, people who were lucky must go vote for responsible leaders who will be pro-active in protecting the country.

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people vil forget...
by ankyr on Apr 30, 2009 11:07 PM

its been more than 5 mnths..26/11 wil meet the same fate,,terrorist attacks r nt new..people vil fgt as media wont approach the issue the way they shud b ..life is a life,,,whether its lost in 26/11 or banglore blast or delhi or jaipur or anyother,,,,some politicians dun rem those lost lives but they do rem khandar each n every time,,where lives were saved,,,,n they put questions on that ....everybdy whis still not hit by such attacks wil fgt everythin n move on but only those who hv lost there dear ones will rem it ....old habbits dont die easily...

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Auditions to join Taliban. Requirements:
by Zardari on Apr 30, 2009 11:04 PM  | Hide replies

Hot-headed individuals who believe in "shoot first and then ask questions", now have a great carer ahead of them. Join us. Never mind if you don't know how to tie your pyjama strings or never brush your teeth. We will test you and reward you stars on the following basis: if you can fire a gun 5 stars; if you cannot fire but can at least hold a gun, 4 stars, if you cannot even hold a gun, but want to shoot 3 stars; if you do not want to shoot but want to loot then 2 stars; if you want to do neither but still want to join up for fun sake then 1 star. We will also consider, how many women you have r.aped, and if you have a police record, so much the better for you - your score goes up. People who have been educated in schools and colleges kindly excuse. And if you have the bad habit of thinking before doing anything, please don't even think of coming for the auditions. Plus, you don't need to be religious. We will give you that qualification. Hurry. Before these jobs are taken by all those who lost their jobs in current recession.

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Re: Auditions to join Taliban. Requirements:
by crazedcat on Apr 30, 2009 11:09 PM

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Mahesh Bhatt
Re: Auditions to join Taliban. Requirements:
by Mahesh Bhatt on Apr 30, 2009 11:13 PM
My films are not doing well. I'd love some adventure and not have to worry about where my next 'meal' will walk in from. Can I join up? But I can shoot with both - with a camera and with my mouth.

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bhu bbn
Atleast 50% voting...
by bhu bbn on Apr 30, 2009 11:02 PM  | Hide replies

There should be rule that in every constituency minimum 50% voting should be there,if not there will be militarily rule or president's rule.

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QandA QandA
Re: Atleast 50% voting...
by QandA QandA on May 01, 2009 07:16 AM
And happens after you have a military rule

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vivek tripathi
What Sushma wud do this time???
by vivek tripathi on Apr 30, 2009 11:02 PM  | Hide replies

Last time wen cong got power sushma swaraj said that she wud clean shave her head if sonia become pm , what she 's goin to do this time . will she do the same if MMS becomes pm again?

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Sathish N
Re: What Sushma wud do this time???
by Sathish N on Apr 30, 2009 11:06 PM
this time also she will shave her head if sonia become pm.

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Hukka Baba
Re: What Sushma wud do this time???
by Hukka Baba on May 01, 2009 12:18 AM
Nope, this time she'll shave her bottom front!!

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Sunil upadhye
by Sunil upadhye on Apr 30, 2009 10:50 PM  | Hide replies

our people should understand that the govt was sleeping for four year untill these many people killed and then they came up with strict laws...but then the attiture of the govt is so wrong that I doubt about the implemention of all these laws. We need strong govt with strong ideology with strong leaders who has no appeasment for any particular religion, who will not hang somebody because of vote bank.

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Sathish N
by Sathish N on Apr 30, 2009 11:02 PM
don't vote, don't vote, don't vote... These have corrupted all process beyond acceptance... React, react, react... Don't spare, don't spare, don't spare...

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Wajid Ali
heendoos did not vote
by Wajid Ali on Apr 30, 2009 10:30 PM  | Hide replies

now voting is finished,they can't do anything now.
our congress will win sure.

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Ashwin Ramaswamy
Re: heendoos did not vote
by Ashwin Ramaswamy on Apr 30, 2009 11:40 PM
Mr.Wajid Ali
Congress is not only for Muzlims its for everyone else just like other parties like BJP etc . Please come out of your narrow-minded and religion-based thinking .infact Congress has 80 % hindoos.
I voted for Priya Dutt of Congress today . She has a good chance of winning

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aurora borealis
Re: Re: heendoos did not vote
by aurora borealis on May 01, 2009 05:14 AM
Priya Dutt has never done anything for her constituency. She is thriving on her father's name. Just like some other political leaders, she is all play and no work. You might vote for her but that means you are not a level-headed person. And if she wins that means most voters in Mumbai deserve to have 26/11s.

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Anup Patel
Re: heendoos did not vote
by Anup Patel on Apr 30, 2009 10:33 PM
yeh,your congress will win and will allow misguided secular brothers to kill even more innocents like Harish Gohil.

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Re: heendoos did not vote
by bushwacker on Apr 30, 2009 10:36 PM
Oye paapi, so how is goin on in paapistan. sab teek taak or getting your a$$e$ kicked by taliban

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Re: Re: heendoos did not vote
by SMP on Apr 30, 2009 10:37 PM
50 Sikh families got kicked from the NWFP today.

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Ashwin Ramaswamy
Re: Re: heendoos did not vote
by Ashwin Ramaswamy on Apr 30, 2009 11:41 PM
every Congress supporter is not a Pakistani

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aurora borealis
Re: Re: Re: heendoos did not vote
by aurora borealis on May 01, 2009 05:15 AM
Just like every BJP supporter is not a saffron clad tilak wearing fanatic.

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Re: heendoos did not vote
by SMP on Apr 30, 2009 10:33 PM
2 phases more to go. Pls read Indian newspapers Mr. W. Ali.
They may be banned in your watan Pakistan but u get then online for free.

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Sunil upadhye
Re: Re: heendoos did not vote
by Sunil upadhye on Apr 30, 2009 10:47 PM
our people should understand that the govt was sleeping for four year untill these many people killed and then they came up with strict laws...but then the attiture of the govt is so wrong that I doubt about the implemention of all these laws. We need strong govt with strong ideology with strong leaders who has no appeasment for any particular religion, who will not hang somebody because of vote bank.

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