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Analysis: Why Jayalalithaa lost

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my comments
THIS tn politics sucks!
by my comments on May 12, 2006 02:20 AM

either he wins or she wins, all false promises...TV, Computer, Rice... :D, he will jail her, or else she will jail him, he will claim IT, Infrastructure developments to his party\'s credit or the other way round!.....

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K S Ram Gopal
Jaya's loss
by K S Ram Gopal on May 12, 2006 02:19 AM

Jaya lost the power because of the following reasons;
1)Not helping her religion
2)Abiding the rules
3)Treating people as a animal

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Madhava Krishna
Playing with sentiments
by Madhava Krishna on May 12, 2006 02:05 AM

First mistake was to eye the property run by H.H. of Kanchi mutt. Secondly she tried to corner them and tried to play with the ancient sentiments and insulted pious men like H.H. Jayendra Saraswathi and H.H. Vijayendra Saraswathi. It is now god's term to play. This is just a warning to others to keep away from them.

Whatever may be the reason, she deserves it.

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Why Jayalalithaa won?
by Vinayakam on May 12, 2006 01:58 AM

There are factual inaccuracies in your article. The 'christian' college you are refering to is I believe queen mary's college on the marina. Please note it is NOT A CHRISTIAN MINORITY institution. rather it is a government institution. Jayalalithaa dropped the move to build the new secretariat as students protested & not christians.

2> christians were mobillised against the anti-conversion law only in the big cities of tamilnadu. It was a non-issue in small towns or in the deep south where there is a sizable christian population save for the mandatory noises by sundry priests. As i have been covering that region for more than 6 years, i can say that with some certainty.

3> distribution of tickets as regards the AIADMK in the deep south was arbitrary-jayalalithaa style. It cost her dearly as rebel candidates in certain constituencies finished Second.

4> the so called minority vote has not gone enbloc to the DMK. opinion/exit polls have indicated that the minority vote was evenly split.

Finally jayalalithaa has not lost. on the contrary she has gained. & if the DMK fails to tweak its propaganda machinery she will come back stronger in 2011

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Thanks All
by Eswar on May 12, 2006 01:50 AM

It's very nice to note that you read stuff and grasp it.

Thanks all for coming out to support Amma.

She did a great job in the past 2 years(atleast).

After she reinstated the suspended and dismissed govt employees they started working diligently

The PWD work during the tsunami was commendable.

The is probably the best person tamil politics has had in terms of dynamics and audacity. Afterall, you need guts to go against the FM.

To hell with DMK. Hail the hell makers.

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history made
by Sridhar on May 12, 2006 01:43 AM

this is the first time i am reading an analysis which doesnt fuss about and just gets to the point.

well done

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by madhu on May 12, 2006 01:09 AM

Tamil Nadu people have become very cautious, clever like the neighbouring state, kerala, in election. But i wonder how these people use the media against each other to get the position, its very bad and this will happen only in tamil nadu. The free colour tv mania,the programmes telecasted by their family channel, the difficulties faced by ordinary men from the Government are the main causes for the victory of the DMK

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s v ramakrishnan
TN election results
by s v ramakrishnan on May 12, 2006 01:07 AM

I have to ofer a correction. The college on Marina that she tried to take over and build a govt office there WAS NOT A CHRISTIAN INSTITUTION. It is Queen Mary's college, an ancient govt college. The Mary involved was the wife of KIng George V (1911-1935)

and not Virgin Mary.

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Its not DMK's VIctory, its AIADMK's loss
by karthik on May 12, 2006 12:41 AM

As above strategy, its not Amma's mistakes for past 5 yrs rule, that lose her. Definitely Amma would have won with better option the DMK. The only reason is the VIjayakanth. when u see the no of votes in almost all contituency, DMK has not lead convincingly. The vote ratio had seperated between AIADMK and DMDK.if there is no DMDK, 100% AIADMK would have won. The other major reason is polling memebrs have reached 70%. This gives the awareness, now people are aware of politics. So its not DMK win, its the AIADMK lose made DMk win.

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Frustrated Tamilian
What exactly does the author wants to share?
by Frustrated Tamilian on May 12, 2006 12:23 AM

was it that he wanted Jayalalithaa to come to power again or was it that he is content with MK coming back to the power by pointing the facts that led to the downfall of ADMK? Rediff was boasting JJ to win the assembly polls and were these points relating to her failure went into hibernation at that point? I still cant understand why the people still stick to the dravidian parties. They have seen enough and still they elect them.whose treasury will go bankrupt if they get free color tv's?Why do we want to always beg central for help when a calamity occur?Is color tv the need of the hour?why cant people think and vote?At 30 after seeing both parties rule, i think TN people have had enough of both the parties.Now that nothing can be done..we hope DMK does something good and wish them good luck.

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