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Mulayam Singh Yadav interview

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vinod tuli
Great Mulayamji
by vinod tuli on May 05, 2004 10:32 PM

A man of masses no doubt. His earlier stint as Defence Minister was slightly misunderstood - may be he himself was new to environment. He must have changed with experience by now . Al the best for him - son of the soil . Wish he plays his cards intelligently to come to the rescue of masses in any national capacity. of course " A teacher has to be examplary all the time".

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good indian
Mulayam magic
by good indian on May 05, 2004 07:18 PM

At last the man is getting his deserved place under the sun. They are the true heroes who built their reputation from scratch unless the spoon fed Gandhi siblings


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Increasing Mulayam
by Gaurav on May 05, 2004 06:41 PM

There is no doubt about the fact that the strength of Samajwadi Party leader Mulayam Singh Yadav has been increasing since they seperated from the congress. Today, they are a serious threat to other nationalist parties like congress or the BJP. It can be said that they have a pretty fair chance to win in Uttar Pradesh....However, the question still lies ....whether this INCREASING MULAYAM can make any marvels....can he change the current scenario of UP??
We have constantly seen that these political leaders make great promises but fail miserably to comply to their words....So at that stance whether it may be Mulayam Singh Yadav or Atal Bihari Vajpayee or Sonia Gandhi would it make any difference to the common man of Uttar Pradesh....As a matter of fact SP might never have sufficient strength to have an absolute majority and they might end up in forming another coalition govt. In such a case, as we have always seen, there's always a voraciousness in such a group for the want of power and illegal demands. Such a party can rarely think of improving the living standards of its people and seldom mark upon its words.
Anyway...only the upcoming elections can decide the fate of UP!!

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