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Can this man rescue the BJP?

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ali shahanshah
Voters decide issues not Sanjay Joshi
by ali shahanshah on May 04, 2004 03:08 PM

If a party is to win it will be on the basis of the votes cast in favour of that particular party.
We appreciate the credentials of Mr Sanjay Joshi and his rapid ascent . How can he decide who will win or lose? or in whose favour the vote is to be cast?
If the party is to win it will be on the basis of performance and its track record of the past five years.
You tell me, people make up a party not an individual?

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jayant bahugna
as nder
by jayant bahugna on May 04, 2004 01:23 PM

regarding your caption about mr joshi.i do not see that at the eleventh hour joshi skill has any impect.
to change the scenario in up and other areas.this election is already going in favour of NDA combine, and they are going to form govt. at center.In future if BJP wants to groom his expertise in the feild he should be given fullfledged infrastructure on national hookup.the plan should be to make politics clean and generate a sense of responsibilty among the voters to cast their vote to help themseleves and pulift the society.

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