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India shining, but not Kerala

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BJP in Kerala
by Prasanth on Mar 09, 2004 06:28 PM

It is not only Thiruvananthapuram but also Muvattupuzha which BJP is going to win

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by Gopakumar on Mar 09, 2004 04:22 PM  | Hide replies

I suppose that most of us would agree to what Mr.Pillai has said about Kerla. The politicians have made a mockery about the people's verdict and if one person who should win hands down in Kerala, it should be Mr.Rajagopal who has done some tremendous work over here.

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India shining, but not Kerala
by Dinesh on Mar 10, 2004 03:33 PM
I wish Kerala should not shine like rest of India.
Kerala people are very educated, cultured and hard
working ( rember I am not a Kerallite). For shining
you require corruption, corrupt people and corrupt
goverence, which makes difference between poor and
rich. As Kerala is shining in the world, it need not
shine in India.
--- Dinesh

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