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NDA losing steam: Exit Polls

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NDA losing steam : exit polls
by M.Aparna on Apr 27, 2004 10:13 PM

Why anybody has to compare seats won or to be won by a party in different years (1999 and 2003). compare results of different parties in the same year.

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NDA loosing steam
by Benedict on Apr 27, 2004 12:20 PM  | Hide replies

Yes as Christians, we are all happy to see the decline of BJP and its allies. Since they do attrocities in the name of Ram, the almighty Ram himself will punish them and put them back to 2 MP seats as they were once. Once again India will flourish under Priyanka or Rahul. That is good for India.

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Pralay Krishna Mazumder
RE:NDA loosing steam
by Pralay Krishna Mazumder on May 04, 2004 02:08 PM
No, the NDA is not loosing in any way . It will any way get the simple majority & with other like minded party it will form the govt.

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Dr. Tirath Garg
Wait for the D-Day
by Dr. Tirath Garg on Apr 27, 2004 09:52 AM  | Hide replies

Please wait for May 13 just 16 days away when the cat will be out and all pro BJP media barons will feel embarssed and BJP will rue its decisions like attacking entry of Rahul and Piryanka into politics, going for overkill of India shining and feel good too early coz the baloon was punctured that early, showing bankruptcy of issues by flogging dead horse of Bofors, compelling allies to include issue of Ram Mandir into NDA agenda, psuedo appeasement of muslims by asking them to vote for BJP in the name of Pak President Musharraf by bogey of Atal Himayat Committee
Seems BJP has started feeling the heat but the million dollar question is whether inspite of the much hyped tallest statesmanship of Vajpayee will he stake his claim to form the next government by the worst ever horse trading in the history of parliament though BJP has perfected the art in states like UP. I doubt that he has the guts like Rajiv Gandhi who conceded defeat in 1989 election in his one minute message to nation.

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priya chakravarti
Exit polls
by priya chakravarti on Apr 27, 2004 07:12 AM

Heaven help our pollsters and not our politicians because they all seem to have a problem with basic artithmetics.
With 276 seats having gone to the polls after the second phase of elections, the totals for all of the pollsters never added up to 276 seats.
You can now understand why politicians and the public are very reluctant to put faith in Indian pollsters.

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