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''Laws in India breed corruption''

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Nayan Shah
by Nayan Shah on Apr 22, 2004 03:35 PM

Need educated, and smart walking people in politcits.This gentleman is true might succeed in life but cannot be ploticians,as breeding is done by corrupted society only and boss of this society is LAWS OF INDIA

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Laws in india breed corruption
by raja on Apr 22, 2004 03:18 PM

An article with a lot of truth.We need politicians who are clean and have proven themselves by fighting the system. Many Pandeys and bhatias have to come to indian political scenario.Our hopeless public should not vote for a pint of liquor or biryani or saree or other favours. Who will punish the elected representatives? none.We need many more constitutional authorities to rein in over the maverick politicians.

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by nikhil on Apr 22, 2004 02:48 PM

Already, one can see a fresh breeze blowing across Dharavi. Asia's largest slum has a unique and strategic location to be a roaring transport hub and can also provide employment in an organized manner.

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