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Is your aircraft air worthy?

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Praveen Gopinath
Incompetent DGCA
by Praveen Gopinath on Apr 20, 2004 10:49 AM

I'm a flight instructor.I got my trainings and liceses from USA, where there is 1 body that monitors the total aviation business in US(FAA).Each company that does charter/training have to maintain the aircraft in airworthy condition by strict compliance of airworthy regualtions.There are serious repercussions if not. Lives are at stake if something goes wrong and India still has laws formed in 1932. There are airports in US which don't have tower or any personnel and some towered airports don't have RADAR in them.It is very common.But,there are rules how you enter and exit such airport. DGCA says they are not happy that Jakkur airport does not have a tower or ATC facility. Is DGCA not the central body for all flying related business?They balme on Karnataka Govt. Is DGCA not responsible for maintaining a vigil on Jakkur airport?If this is not DGCA's responsibility, whose else is it? In US, NTSB, the board that investigates any accident, will tell in few hours what the cause of accident was in most cases. It is already 4 days & DGCA is clueless. What a pity how bad we are. This bares the incompetency of our useless government.Fire DGCA personnel+revoke licenses of such companies.

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Cause of the Accident?
by C.N.Shankar on Apr 19, 2004 06:00 AM  | Hide replies

This is with particular reference to the plane which crashed near Bangalore in which Film actor Soundharya was also a victim. I happened to read in some section of the Press that this accident could have been due to "Bird Hit". Is it not true that only Jet engined planes suffer bird hits as the bird gets sucked -in and the same is not correct with fan propelled planes? Can some one with more knowledge explain for the benifit of rediff readers.

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Praveen Gopinath
RE:Cause of the Accident?
by Praveen Gopinath on Apr 30, 2004 08:57 AM
Shankar, Jet planes have no chance of surviving in case of bird hits. If it hits the engine, they get sucked in and everything breaks and there will be fire and there won't be a chance of survival If it hits the windshield, it breaks and the pilots get seriously injured and most possibly die and there will be a crash.

In Single engine plane (Cessna 180 in this crash), there is a propeller guarding the windshield. If there is a bird hot, the bird dies and you might have some blood on your windshield and nothing serious will result.

It shows the incompetency and un-awareness of DGCA to say this accident might have been due to bird hit. They are bunch of jokers and have no right to be in that job. But, what to do, most of Inidan government officials are like this.

Hope this explaination helps.

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Nazir Patel
Crash and Death
by Nazir Patel on Apr 18, 2004 05:44 AM

Exploiting lax rules, some of the private operators may be flying around unfit machines without sufficient inspections, admit officials in Delhi. Elections have been harvest seasons for them.
This is clearly the fault of the Government.
They should take full responsibility and blame for
the unfortunate loss of lives resulting due to the
crash of the unfit flying machines.

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