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''Muslims must be on their own''

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Well said, sir
by John on Apr 19, 2004 01:57 PM

I am sure your sentiment is shared by many. I commend you on your courage to speak out on a subject even leaders of the Church avoid.

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Muslims in India
by tsvijayan on Apr 19, 2004 01:47 PM

Eminently sensible views. Muslims should stand on their own without depending on "secular parties". For eg. see Kerala, where Muslims are politically united under Muslim League and hence they are very much in demand by other parties, they get posts on their strength , not a charity or tokenism by so called "secular parties".

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K. Srinivasan
Muslim must be on their own
by K. Srinivasan on Apr 19, 2004 12:36 PM

Dear Sir,
I have full sympathy for a common and under-prilegged muslim's suffering but do not understand the Imam's anguish. If he is fair to all communities, he should express his anguish to muslims and hindus from J & K. Has he said anything? Is he trying to shed croctail tears?

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Imam's Interview
by Syed on Apr 19, 2004 11:55 AM

It is ridiculous to listen the political lecture from a man used to be sitting on the footpath in the chair after evening prayerjust 15 years ago. Now can't move without airconditioned cars bought from unknown sources of income. Instead of listening, an Imam of this character is liable to be prosecuted
by islamic laws for making money from dubious sources

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Prof Aggarwala Lt Col (retd)
Muslims should shed crutches of political parties-Bukhar
by Prof Aggarwala Lt Col (retd) on Apr 17, 2004 11:51 PM

While Bukhari has properly and correctly evaluated, that the so called secular parties are not only exploiting the muslims as vote banks, he hits the nail on the head when he says that these parties have poisoned the relations between Hindus and Muslims, to meet their political ends.

The positive messages from the top BJP leaders, therefore, is having an impact on Bukhari's thinking. Though he has understood the first part of the fundamental truth relating to muslims, he also needs to realise that if muslims want the benefits of true secularism in the country, they must shed their communal image in political matters, themselves. In other words, they should stop thinking muslims as a political bloc(is against secularism), but muslims as individuals, as citizens of India with full freedom of speech, religious belief, and equality, as guaranteed in the constitution. If they join parties as individuals or groups, without muslim tags, but as free citizens, BJP will surely embrace them as equals, while the pseudo-secularists will cry foul.

Continuing to harp on muslim identity as a separate political bloc or as a party, in inconsistent with the secular ideal, they seek.

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M. Kashyap
Imam Bukhari's statements
by M. Kashyap on Apr 17, 2004 04:57 PM

He must realise that most politicians of to-day, particularly some ofthe biggest political parties, who can do anything to grasp power. They are well known for double speak. They do not mean what they say. So their statements have no value. Its lie lie and lie if that can bring them to power.

It is so sickening when we see they are being interviewed and TV channels are wasting precious times.

So my point is do not take them seriously what they say.

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