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Entire India is not shining: PM

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Entire India is not shining: PM
by max on Apr 15, 2004 10:22 PM

Thank god that atleast now our PM realized that India is not shining completely and atleast now they (NDA govt) should not say that india is shining. It is shame on them

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what nonsense
by rajdhir on Apr 15, 2004 09:00 PM

is Mr. vajpayee blind??
it is so apparent that there is so much problem in india. his own grandson was killed in trying to save dignity of women. AND it took him this incident to realize that india has problem!! what is wrong with these politicians??

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The saree stampede
by Shrenik on Apr 15, 2004 08:21 PM

You can only feel sorry and embarrassed about the incident. In a broader sense, it reflects the human value which is almost NIL in our country. It is especially apparent when you are a NRI like me. Only in our country someone can get away with such irresponsibility. On other days they are involved in scams. I'm not generalising but sadly it is the case with the majority of our political community. Even when they decide to do something good, they cant do it right. Man I know India is better than that!!

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PM should feel shame !
by Peeyush on Apr 15, 2004 08:21 PM

I feel bad while Prime Minister of India is saying this after remaining in power for 5 years that Entire India is not shining and there are also dark aspects and he is claiming to know about this just now.

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El Dorado
Truth is bitter
by El Dorado on Apr 15, 2004 07:50 PM

Extremely unfortunate event in Lucknow! Every year at Eid these kind of incidents occur when the rich donates goodies to the poor. The blame directly goes to the Mulayam Singh government for not providing adequate police protection.

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