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Mohan Ranganathan
by Mohan Ranganathan on Nov 08, 2016 03:17 AM

Appreciate Kumble for putting a condition for injured players to play domestic cricket to prove their fitness.No player must take his position for granted.I think even for ccaptain.I remember when he made a come back after injury started his back playing league cricket for his club in Bangalore. That is the spirit and must be a lesson to all youngsters.

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Mohan Ranganathan
by Mohan Ranganathan on Nov 08, 2016 03:16 AM

Appreciate Kumble for putting a condition for injured players to play domestic cricket to prove their fitness.No player must take his position for granted.I think even for ccaptain.I remember when he made a come back after injury started his back playing league cricket for his club in Bangalore. That is the spirit and must be a lesson to all youngsters.

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