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'Team India have played too much cricket recently'

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vaibhav kumar
No one asked overrated underperforming stars to play every match
by vaibhav kumar on Jan 04, 2013 07:39 PM  | Hide replies

This is laughable and statement given considering that India is only made up of dumb people.

There are palyers in each country who play tough cricket, who make themselves available or un-avaialble considering that they should be true to their selection & performance, except subcontinent countries, where each star want to play even with Bangladesh & Jimbwawe.

More laughing stock is the fact they themselves decide that they will play as long as they "ENJOY" playing. Absolutely ridiculous remarks. They should rather say that they want to play as long as they CONTRIBUTE to team winning.

Its a litahrgic & ridiculous notion that this team is palying too much cricket. The fact is that due to club cricket TRP, these stars can't afford to be out of the team, and many of them are playing win-win, despite knowing that they are just making numbers, and one off performance each year to stay in the team.

Amongst many ridiculous things currently happening in India, this is one of them. Like our political system, the bcci IS UNTOUCHABLE, AND YOU CAN NOT DO MUCH.

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Re: No one asked overrated underperforming stars to play every ma
by amjadkmarufs on Jan 04, 2013 09:26 PM
Abeychooti....yaa, Sachin has never played against zimbabwe or Bangaladesh in recent times (except for one match in asia cup versus bangladesh) so don't make comments against sachin. Check your knowledge about cricket first.

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Re: No one asked overrated underperforming stars to play every ma
by Mahendra on Jan 04, 2013 09:49 PM
Vaibhav Kumar:

excellent comments....

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venu sense
Whare are varoon aroon and umesh yadav
by venu sense on Jan 04, 2013 07:25 PM  | Hide replies

To win consistently we require genuinly quick bawlers. We have to give these rookies varun and umesh enough time and experience to develop in to world class bowlers by giving them adequate international exposure at highest level.
In a country which was starved for decades for want of genuine quick bowlers we are now blessed with two. Please groom them,make them play all the games they can play for the country. If this advice ic not followed more and more defeats like these are going to become the norm.

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pradeep agarwal
Re: Whare are varoon aroon and umesh yadav
by pradeep agarwal on Jan 04, 2013 08:20 PM
Both are on injured list thanks to a very poor support staff that get paid in foreign exchange & Captain who seems to be more inclined to use spinners with new ball & make speedsters bowl on dusty wickets with old ball.

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Mayank Singh
Dhoni is best
by Mayank Singh on Jan 04, 2013 07:21 PM

he is best Wicketkeep batsman captain india ever produced...Cricket is team game and captain is as good as his team , if all team members are not performing what can captain do ...India is country paralyzed by politics in every field so in cricket , he is not there to teach old horses how to play cricket on indian soil

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love kumar
many players
by love kumar on Jan 04, 2013 06:36 PM  | Hide replies

many international player play round the year, in different different countries's domestic t20 tournment which are helping them to improve their game and ofcourse they avoid modelling assignment

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kumar kn
Re: many players
by kumar kn on Jan 04, 2013 06:48 PM
The BCCI should be blamed.It is headed by Srinivassan who has never held a bat in his life and is the owner of IPL's Chennai Superkings.BCCI is only interested in making more money even if India loses all matches because we Indians who are crazy about Cricket never question anyone and hold anyone accountable.So this nonsense will continue.Let us learn from the Austrialians.

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love kumar
more cricket
by love kumar on Jan 04, 2013 06:34 PM

more cricket will help player to improve game, but here the case is different, due to more cricket they are not getting much time, so either they can finish modelling assignment or do practice, in this case cricketer select modelling assignment

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parag hiwarkar
by parag hiwarkar on Jan 04, 2013 06:18 PM

I do not agree at India team had played more cricket and if that is the case they should stop playing IPL which will allow them to rest for 2 months. It is the money and commercial adds that have made them fail against Pakistan. Which is real shame. I know it is difficult to win every time but team which we have can make it possible to win more matches than they loose. But at this moment it is exactly revers.

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