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India look like a team with no pride: Akram

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Good Worker
by Good Worker on Aug 11, 2011 12:55 PM

Why on earth is he still allowed to play cricket? The only disgrace in the world cup win and he still continues? What a waste of a team member

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Arv Singh
So right Miyan Akram!
by Arv Singh on Aug 10, 2011 07:54 PM

The bunch of losers remind me of the 1971 Indian team led by Ajit Wadekar. What are the chances they will beat Wadekar's record of 44 Runs - lowest runs in an inning posted by India? All we need now is an Indian player cought stealing socks from Marks & Spencers a la Sudhir Nayak, a proud Maharashtrian.

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pull out from England
by cnrgpal on Aug 10, 2011 10:20 AM  | Hide replies

India should immediately puul out from England sighting riots and law and order to aboid humiliation. If England were in India and such an incident happens, they would have done the same thing. So hurry up and do not wait.

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rambo only
Re: pull out from England
by rambo only on Aug 10, 2011 11:25 AM
what an excuse to 'aboid' humiliation !

Are you escapist in real life as well ?

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shishir jaiswal
Re: pull out from England
by shishir jaiswal on Aug 10, 2011 11:44 AM
Well they did went back after Mumbai attack.... but for the support and love of game they came back...We all must respect that what English cricketer did... and support the in there thick and thin....
Run away just to avoid humiliation! ! !Not a good idea...

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pravin sarode
team india lost intererest in cricket it self they are doing busi
by pravin sarode on Aug 10, 2011 07:21 AM

ness as sachin motor racing dhoni hotel management, yuvraj dating with deepika and all others travel tourism so only thing missing is concentration on cricket only rahul dravid is able to concentrate on test format of the game?

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fully agree with Akram
by ravi on Aug 10, 2011 07:12 AM

although I dont' like to agree with a pakistani player but on this occasstion he is spot on with his comments. Team india body language was very negative. They played as if they've already lost the match with no remote display of guts...

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akram was good, but now dont confuse us with balaji
by D S on Aug 10, 2011 03:20 AM

your statement for bhajji exit were good and team india ignored it for second test.

Now, you might be going overboard by pushing the name of balaji who played in KKR to create regional rift and confusion in selection.

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by A P on Aug 10, 2011 02:24 AM

what has this stup1d P@k1Muxxz11 got to do with India? He can comment on his own team instead of making id1ot1c comments on Indian team.

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Proud Brahmin
Akram do you want to keep the IPL and television contracts.
by Proud Brahmin on Aug 09, 2011 11:40 PM

Akram do you want to keep the IPL and television contracts or not ?If so repeat "Sachin is the greatest athlete in the history of human kind" 100 times every morning and evening and also add "no one can even touch the feet of Sachin " and make sure you support his business venture in England you Sycophant.

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