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Sehwag to arrive in England on August 2

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bring it on !
by Pankaj on Aug 02, 2011 10:18 AM

sehvagh may have mot played for long time ! but what the team india seeking in this searise against england is a perfect opening pair ! because in first 2 test we hav seen this that indian openers are not capable of givin a so;id stand we gives tremendous pressure on the middle order of team india ! we need someone who can stand there and trash the england bowlers out of ground ! and only sehvagh can do it much easily if get gambhir back with him then it would be a perfect team india ! just need to re4place the Harbhajan by Mishra because in this 2 test harbhajan has bowled worst ever ! so buck up india ! give shattering answer to english mens !

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Krishna Nandan
lndia loser
by Krishna Nandan on Aug 02, 2011 10:15 AM

i think india will lose 4-0 in tests. only some good performance in one day series expected.

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by Makya on Aug 02, 2011 09:15 AM  | Hide replies

Sehwag can help India to draw remaining 2 test matches if he bats well. However forget India winning, without Zaheer India can't win any of the remaining test matches.

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Abhijit Nair
by Abhijit Nair on Aug 02, 2011 08:50 AM  | Hide replies

Congrats England .
Good to see a tight slap on Ravi Shastri and S Gavaskar' s faces with this English performance.

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Re: eng
by Adnan on Aug 02, 2011 09:12 AM
2 more tests to go ! Just hang in there !

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Ian Chappell
The Reinforsement
by Ian Chappell on Aug 02, 2011 08:24 AM  | Hide replies

I think Mr. Dhoni's stars are no more potent enough to support his Midas Touch. Since he started his cricket for India, it has been a rosy journey for him. He is now under pressure and it can be seen clearly on his dejected face. He doesn't have a clue now. I don't know that to what extent this reinforcement (SEHWAG) will help this sinking Indian team. I still remember how Navjot Siddhu went to Australia to help the similar kind of sinking India team in 1992 tour and failed pathetically in 2 test because he couldn't adjust himself with the conditions ! Indian team lost that 5 test series by 4-0.
Certainly Dhoni is under tremendous pressure right now and it is now his ultimate litmus test. If he can just save India's no. 1 spot i.e. 2-1 or 2-2 final score line (although it is a far away possibility), India will be mighty pleased !

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Re: The Reinforsement
by praveen on Aug 02, 2011 09:03 AM
u bosted see india will win the left 2 test match againts england

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Re: Re: Re: The Reinforsement
by listner on Aug 02, 2011 10:38 AM
DALBADLU people like u can comnt whn team is lusng ,
& whn it starts winning u starts celebrating

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A Singh
Sehwag to arrive in England on August 2
by A Singh on Aug 02, 2011 08:00 AM  | Hide replies

Like others, he will be draft straight into the Team without ever bothering about his match-fitness.
He has just recovered from a shoulder operation; can he throw balls from the boundary lines throughout the day? Can he bowl? These questions must be answered before he is included in the playing XI.

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Nandakishore Kuruppal
Re: Sehwag to arrive in England on August 2
by Nandakishore Kuruppal on Aug 02, 2011 10:05 AM
Get rid of the useless IPL first. It really is a mockery of classical Cricket

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amerians are special people, they could develop their own game
by D S on Aug 02, 2011 06:15 AM  | Hide replies

LBWs were not allowed for uncivilzed indians in second match, maybe queen will change it in next match. the ball in hands of angrez swung more and they were used to it. is this a new type ICC ball?

fFuch cricket.,
sTAND UP INDIA, develop your own baseball style cricket INDIA.

americans got freed and indians stayed trapped.

american got out of british clutches to develop baseball, etc
indians stayed trapped. americans developed baseball and left crickets,
developed American football for rugby, developed basketball, etc.
americans developed PRESIDENTIAL FORM of government TO MOVE AWAY from parliamentary system of ANGREZ which HAS given cricket selection politics in India.
angrez made kickback brokers of sonia-gandhi dynasty from nehru onwards and same for jinnah and many more
brokers in bjp-congress cartel..


there were no LBW out for england, surprise.

Videshi need this kidnapped child tendulkar to play.

tendulkar is no god, he is a kidnapped person.
kidnapped child tendulkar got out but our mind trapped into icons such as tendulkar, etc. . these are sort of icons are used to blackmail india into this Angrezi sports.
india need to act QUITE LIKE HOW AMERICANS did to GeT RID OF INDIAN HOCKEY and canadian developed ICE HOCKEY
AMERICANS GOT RID OF CRICKET AND made baseball popular.

good luck india, work to get freedom
...just get that freedom
some day we will be free from angrez clutches and network.
and their brokers of politics and business within india.
i meant de

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Re: amerians are special people, they could develop their own gam
by D S on Aug 02, 2011 06:17 AM
i meant desi brokers of videshis and those videshi clutches.

Indian will have population in control so we dont need to work
in videsh and we counter all videshi tactics

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Re: Re: amerians are special people, they could develop their own
by NashikMarathi on Aug 02, 2011 08:01 AM
Most of India already has population in control - except UP and Bihar.

As per NFHS(National family health survey) the per couple fertility rates are as follows

AP 1.9
Punjab 2.0
Mah 2.1

India avg 2.7

UP 3.8
Bihar 4.0

So for India to have population under control will mean UP/Bihar will have to have population under control.

I am not optimistic. UP/Biharis will simply increase migration and you will increase the tone of your incomprehensible arguments.

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