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''Cricket will survive spot-fixing''

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om shanti
Indian archers clinch WC gold
by om shanti on Sep 05, 2010 09:18 AM

NEW DELHI, Sept 4 (PTI): On a highly successful day for India, the trio of Jayanta Talukdar, Tarundeep Rai and Rahul Banerjee clinched gold before Deepika Kumari settled for a silver medal at the Archery World Cup Stage IV in Shanghai today.
It was double delight for Talukdar as he later came from behind to beat Athens Olympic champion Marco Galiazzo to win bronze in men’s individual recurve. The Indian men’s recurve team beat Japan’s combination of Ryota Amano, Takaharu Furukawa, Hidekl Kikuchi 224-220 to finish on top.

Deepika, playing her maiden senior final, though had to be content with a sliver as she lost the summit clash 27-29, 27-27, 28-28, 27-30 to Korea’s Bo Bae Ki. Talukdar came from behind to beat the Italian 28-29, 30-26, 28-28, 29-27, 28-27. The win was Talukdar’s third over Galiazzo in four meetings.

With their victories, Deepika and Talukdar have qualified for the Edinburgh World Cup finals on September 18 and 19.

Talukdar joins Brady Ellison (USA), Galiazzo, Im Dong-Hyun, Kim Woojin (Korea), Michele Frangilli (Italy) and Simon Terry (Great Britain) in the finals.

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om shanti
Saina Nehwal does a volte-face on CWG
by om shanti on Sep 05, 2010 09:16 AM

New Delhi: The organisers of the Commonwealth Games were left red faced on Saturday when Saina Nehwal said India was not ready to host the mega event.

However, Saina, one of the six brand ambassadors of the Games, quickly changed her statement after a while and said she was sorry for her utterance during a function at the Gopichand Badminton Academy in Hyderabad.

Saina, who spoke to newspersons, had everyone stunned when she said Delhi might not be ready for the Games in time.

“Looking at the stadiums and progress I don’t really think we are capable of holding such big tournaments,” she said. “I have seen many Games like Melbourne Commonwealth Games and Olympics in China. Compared to that, it is not up to the mark. But I am sure (that) before October 3, it will be ready and people will like it,” said the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna winner.

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kalpesh shah
new revelation by yasir hameed
by kalpesh shah on Sep 05, 2010 09:07 AM


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binay das
when god wanted to become sport person ,he born as sachin
by binay das on Sep 04, 2010 09:06 PM  | Hide replies

no doubt it the darkest phase in cricket history but definely cricket will survive,with god in miidle.....we devotee will see as long as god is playing,,,

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Re: when god wanted to become sport person ,he born as sachin
by Kaka on Sep 04, 2010 09:57 PM
Cricket has gone through tons of controversies in the past and has survived them emerging from each a much stronger sport. So too will it survive the latest raging controversy and enter a new phase as a better sport.

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S Shrikanth
Re: Re: when god wanted to become sport person ,he born as sachin
by S Shrikanth on Sep 05, 2010 06:19 AM
But has become dirtier after every survival. Thats why controversies in this game are increasing with time due to dirty money.

Since cricket fans are addicted to daily doses of cricket, it is attracting bad people to take advantage of it.

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Re: when god wanted to become sport person ,he born as sachin
by Kaka on Sep 04, 2010 10:21 PM
Cricket has gone through tons of controversies in the past and has survived them emerging from each a much stronger sport. So too will it survive the latest raging controversy and enter a new phase as a better sport.

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Re: when god wanted to become sport person ,he born as sachin
by Kaka on Sep 04, 2010 09:57 PM
Cricket has gone through tons of controversies in the past and has survived them emerging from each a much stronger sport. So too will it survive the latest raging controversy and enter a new phase as a better sport.

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vipin saini
Re: Drop Sachin tendulkar for this world cup..
by vipin saini on Sep 04, 2010 06:51 PM
There are so many people who are nothing in himself but try to advise other.

Tell me about yourself? Who are you and what you have achieved in your life as compared to Sachin.

It is good thing that you have admitted that he is intelligent. He is talented and thats why he is making money.

I have an advised for u "just keep ur mouth shut"

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