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IPL fiasco could have been avoided

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Dr Jayakumar
IPL should include Karachi and other Pak cities
by Dr Jayakumar on Jan 29, 2010 12:44 PM  | Hide replies

Good that Afridi had talked about it. In fact my view also the same as Afridi provided Pak willing to listen to Afridi. I think, Afridi should use mass media to educate people of PAK and make them to understand people of India have more respect for Pak people in true sense. Pak need to learn lot from Iran-Irag war. US had made these two nations fight each other for 10 years ( or more) and then US started attacking one of their war partner. Thus, it is important that Asian people understand US game well and plan things based on it. In fact, like PAK cricket player's as much as Indian Player's. One day i had happend to notice Anwar among people in one good hotel in BLR. Then i was thinking about Ventesh-Anwar dual in world cup match in BLR. I think people of India fed up with PAK attitude towards India and keep torubling for nothing. I think, Mus (of pak) should come to India and work as prof for his rest of life. And also, PAK should open up trade with India and make sure that people of India can go to Karachi to watch IPL match. This is dream. I hope, Afirdi can make my dream come ture!!!!!!!!!!

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vineeth devadiga
Re: Re: IPL should include Karachi and other Pak cities
by vineeth devadiga on Jan 29, 2010 01:03 PM
ofcourse, we should not include pak players. Let them first take corrective actions on 26/11. We should stop all bilateral relationship with them. They never did anything good for India so its better to keep them in distance by stopping all Pakis to enter India. Jai Ho.

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Dr Jayakumar
IPL should include Karachi and other Pak cities
by Dr Jayakumar on Jan 29, 2010 12:43 PM

Good that Afridi had talked about it. In fact my view also the same as Afridi provided Pak willing to listen to Afridi. I think, Afridi should use mass media to educate people of PAK and make them to understand people of India have more respect for Pak people in true sense. Pak need to learn lot from Iran-Irag war. US had made these two nations fight each other for 10 years ( or more) and then US started attacking one of their war partner. Thus, it is important that Asian people understand US game well and plan things based on it. In fact, like PAK cricket player's as much as Indian Player's. One day i had happend to notice Anwar among people in one good hotel in BLR. Then i was thinking about Ventesh-Anwar dual in world cup match in BLR. I think people of India fed up with PAK attitude towards India and keep torubling for nothing. I think, Mus (of pak) should come to India and work as prof for his rest of life. And also, PAK should open up trade with India and make sure that people of India can go to Karachi to watch IPL match. This is dream. I hope, Afirdi can make my dream come ture!!!!!!!!!!

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first give us lakvi..sayeed and 12 others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by gaurdain on Jan 29, 2010 12:28 PM  | Hide replies

and then come and play.....................
atleast govt of india have nuts to say that

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Re: first give us lakvi..sayeed and 12 others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by vettaikaran on Jan 29, 2010 12:31 PM
Cricket and Politics are different . Dont confuse

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Re: Re: first give us lakvi..sayeed and 12 others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by gaurdain on Jan 29, 2010 12:33 PM
they go hand in hand.....whatever concerns people of country...govt has to play a role!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Komandur Kannan
Re: Re: first give us lakvi..sayeed and 12 others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Komandur Kannan on Jan 29, 2010 01:04 PM
so the next arguement will terrorism and politics are not linked - I believe snubbing the pakistani players would have sent them the signals - we need to deprive them economically - Let us get this clear. Pakistan should take action against terrorists - If they are incapable of doing this, let them seek Indian help and we will take care of the rest. If America bombs the terrorist spots in pakistan without getting permission from Pakistan, they make a weak protest. They have to appreciate the tolerance that India have been showing despite repeated attacks from its soil - It is better for pakistan to join hands with India and fight terrorism - even if that means allowing Indian military enter pakistan to flush out the militants..

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100 % Righteous
by vettaikaran on Jan 29, 2010 12:22 PM

Afridi doesnt mince with words and he has a valid point . Hope we can see more pakistan players in the next IPL

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still beleive they shld be alloud to play in india........
by gaurdain on Jan 29, 2010 12:05 PM  | Hide replies

i am deeply shocked in way some medai has loked at it?????y do u need them to earn billions when everyone knows some part will go as taxes to govt of porki...no need to say what their govt does with the money....
ask the victims family fallen for their phsico acts if they are welcomed....ask the nsg personals and polce forces......coz they are the ones who are hit hard...we want to enjoy their play...dosent it sound disgrace for them

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Re: still beleive they shld be alloud to play in india........
by gaurdain on Jan 29, 2010 12:25 PM
i can see other angle on which the overhyped afridi and some other pokis count on...that is minorities in india....when hyped afridi says indians will miss us playing ..he is actually referring to the minorities....high time minorities come out strongly against them....they are also the ones u get hit at times!!!!!!!!!!!!!high time SRK looks beyond porki players.....rumours or not he is keen on sighning some of them...

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kapil abhyankar
Re: still beleive they shld be alloud to play in india........
by kapil abhyankar on Jan 29, 2010 12:18 PM
media has been paid by these conge .they dont want to harm the peoples due to elections in UP and Bihar.See they have not hanged afzal guru.guru and kasab getting 5* treatment.this is plan by madam and rahul baba.

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Re: still beleive they shld be alloud to play in india........
by India on Jan 29, 2010 12:12 PM
It is disgraceful that some Indian

media & Paki sympathisers

support ..terror promoting country

to be invited for IPL...

let this media & paki symapthisers

show us the way by agreeing to

invite rapist of their mother &

sisters as friend ..to set an erxample of being friend at any cost...

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vineeth devadiga
Re: Re: still beleive they shld be alloud to play in india.......
by vineeth devadiga on Jan 29, 2010 01:05 PM
Rightly said.

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No pakis backed India
by RCS on Jan 29, 2010 12:02 PM

When there was a terror attack did any paki players condem the same or support india? These guys needs economic support from us will use our money for their family well being and kill our poor cops (Omble)

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Madhuri Lele
by Madhuri Lele on Jan 29, 2010 11:55 AM  | Hide replies

wonder why pakistanis want to comment on IPL, when they say that India and IPL dont matter to them.

really sore losers.

wish we give them such treatment more often to show them their tre worth.

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kapil abhyankar
Re: why?
by kapil abhyankar on Jan 29, 2010 12:14 PM
.they are beggers.PCB is near to bankrupt.players are not getting money because no body is ready to go and play cricket with pakies in terrioriststan.thats what players like afridi barking ,let them bark beggers.
we should not allwo pakis to plan in India. Which ever IPL team takes paki player we should boycot particular team.
Jai Hind

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kapil abhyankar
Re: why?
by kapil abhyankar on Jan 29, 2010 12:12 PM
.they are beggers.PCB is near to bankrupt.players are not getting money because no body is ready to go and play cricket with pakies in terrioriststan.thats what players like afridi barking ,let them bark beggers.
we should not allwo pakis to plan in India. Which ever IPL team takes paki player we should boycot particular team.
Jai Hind

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