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The bowlers need to do better: MS Dhoni

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E darwin
Fairness-Re: Attn Dhoni & Kirsten - develop ur bowling unit
by E darwin on Feb 22, 2010 09:00 PM  | Hide replies


UNTIL THERE IS FAIRness in rotating wicket-keeper,


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Against Pseudos
Re: Fairness-Re: Attn Dhoni & Kirsten - develop ur bowling un
by Against Pseudos on Feb 23, 2010 11:09 AM
E darwin:

didn't know that team can become a super star by having new wicket keepers every week. :)

Maybe we should select all 11 wicketkeepers.... then we'll be Permanent #1 in all forms of cricket for about 5000 years... :)

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Attn Dhoni & Kirsten - develop ur bowling unit
by Macurpal on Feb 22, 2010 08:51 PM  | Hide replies

With this bowling unit - we are hopeless that India would even reach Semis of WC 2011.

Agreed it is selectors who pick the team & need vision to develop a battery of bowlers that are good enough for intl cricket.

But Dhoni & Kirsten - unfortunately need 7/8 batsmen in the team.They should give more bowlers a chance and try to adjust with 6 batsmen - that way more bowlers get exposure and there is cover for a bad day with part timers. Take a resolution to play 5 bowlers (2 from the group of Irfan/Praveen/Jadeja). Currently there is no cover if Zak or even Bhajii for that matter(look at our fate).

With 4 bowlers invariably 1 or 2 has off days (given their quality) there is no escape. India only wins if batsmen have expectionally good days & other team falters. Bowlers don't win games or defend successfully even once in a blue moon. If Zaheer is injured or has an off day - this bowling attack is as good as Afghanistan's (hope Afghanistan bowlers are not angry).

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E darwin
Re: Attn Dhoni & Kirsten - develop ur bowling unit
by E darwin on Feb 22, 2010 08:59 PM

UNTIL THERE IS FAIRness in rotating wicket-keeper,


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bowling units needs to be developed -not only fast bowlers
by Macurpal on Feb 22, 2010 08:49 PM

Agreed it is selectors who pick the team & need vision to develop a battery of bowlers that are good enough for intl cricket.

But Dhoni & Kirsten - unfortunately need 7/8 batsmen in the team.They should give more bowlers a chance and try to adjust with 6 batsmen - that way more bowlers get exposure and there is cover for a bad day with part timers. Take a resolution to play 5 bowlers (2 from the group of Irfan/Praveen/Jadeja). Currently there is no cover if Zak or even Bhajii for that matter(look at our fate).

With 4 bowlers invariably 1 or 2 has off days (given their quality) there is no escape. India only wins if batsmen have expectionally good days & other team falters.

Bowlers don't win games or defend successfully even once in a blue moon. If Zaheer is injured or has an off day - this bowling attack is as good as Afghanistan's (hope Afghanistan bowlers are not angry).

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mohan nair
We need good fast bowlers
by mohan nair on Feb 22, 2010 08:46 PM  | Hide replies

Instead of going back always for experienced bowlers who bowl medium pace,let us try out some new young fast bowlers like Abhimanyu Mithun,Sudeep Tyagi.We maybe able to unearth some raw exciting talent

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om shanti
Re: We need good fast bowlers
by om shanti on Feb 22, 2010 08:54 PM
Abu Nechim is the fastest bowler available at present,BCCI can just check his economy rate and wicket record in this year's Ranji plate group records in cricinfo.His great bowling at the opening overs helped Assam reach Quarter finals of Ranji trophy for the first time in history...Abu took 4/27 in the under 19 world cup final in 2006 to ensure that India became the champions..unfortunately he is from Assam,difficult for him to get a chance in Indian team...

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E darwin
Re: fastbowler
by E darwin on Feb 22, 2010 08:23 PM  | Hide replies

we need good and new wicket keeper for fast bowler...

WE WONT KNOW UNTIL WE TRY a new wicket-keepers.

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navin k
Re: Re: fastbowler
by navin k on Feb 22, 2010 08:41 PM
Sorry, I did not understand what you are saying.
You want a new keeper for Indian team? Well, if there is someone better with both the gloves and the bat then he will play for India. Just wait and watch.

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sridhar kg
by sridhar kg on Feb 22, 2010 08:19 PM  | Hide replies

well time has come to test a good young fast bowler who can bowl consistantly around 140km even if he is an under-19 bowler. its geting bored of seeing sreesanth and nehra bowling length deliveries and get clobbered for six. even if new boy goes for runs let it be at least he's getting match practice and can learn something.

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E darwin
Re: fastbowler
by E darwin on Feb 22, 2010 08:22 PM
we need good and new wicket keeper for fast bowler...


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by rajesh on Feb 22, 2010 08:12 PM  | Hide replies

the 2nd string aussie team defeated India recently 4-2..
that too in India, i think they wont take money and lose, apart from Lee every one seems honest, the same could not be said about the S A team, past has proved it

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navin k
Re: dhoni
by navin k on Feb 22, 2010 08:38 PM
The aussies played better cricket than India and won. Plain and simple. Remember, this South African side beat Australia in Australia. India is now beating them.
Consistency is the key and that is why India is no.1 and not South Africa or Australia.
Blaming match-fixing for every loss for a visiting team is a negative approach to the game.
If you are so frustrated with the Indian team, I suggest you watch other quality teams play each other.
Match fixing did happen and only the South Afican team members were found guilty. Not the Indian players. The laws are much stricter now and players know they can be banned for life. With so much cricket happening and the amount of money they earn, I think only the players who are complete idiots will do match fixing.

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Nostradamus Great
Re: Re: dhoni
by Nostradamus Great on Feb 22, 2010 08:41 PM
A very sensible reply to a absolutely stupid post from a moron!

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Against Pseudos
Re: Re: dhoni
by Against Pseudos on Feb 23, 2010 11:14 AM
Navin K:

Good reply, but I can debate the whole concept of consistency in today's age and world.

According to me ALL teams (read ALL including the once mighty Australians) are very inconsistent today.

That's why you get a series where 1 team wins the first test by an innings margin, and in the very next match the other team wins - you guessed right - by an innings margin....

Go to the cricket archives and show me one such series when teams were more consistent...

You can't even say that all teams have become more competitive and hence this new found battle, coz if that was your argument, you'd have seen closer finishes instead of Innings defeat - followed by Innings defeat (the other way round) type results.

However, I completely agree with you about this whole stupidity about "match fixing" allegations being thrown left, right and centre...

P.S: Azharuddin and Ajay Jadeja have still not become South African citizens yet.... just FYI.. :)

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E darwin
Re: E Darwin .... a victim of peadophile...or a loser to a Bihari
by E darwin on Feb 22, 2010 08:06 PM

baaaaabua you jumpeeed out of baabuaaa pooond to meeet me...

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