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Aussies can play in IPL: Thackeray

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miryala karunakar
this is ridiculous
by miryala karunakar on Feb 17, 2010 03:31 AM

Mr. Bal Thackery is behaving like a ghar jamai or dammath of India, this is ridiculous top people meeting this chair mouth goon

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Bhikari Sena
by Repeat on Feb 17, 2010 03:16 AM  | Hide replies

Seems Sharad Pawar has paid some money to Bal Thacks towards his party funds....So now all is forgiven and normaly restored......SSenas are bhikaris

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Re: Bhikari Sena
by SHAN BAID on Feb 17, 2010 07:43 AM
This non-sense BT has unnecessarily been appeased so much so that he has overgrown to his size. After realising that govt now woken to defeat his whims, he has rightly detracted from his fooolish dictat a la rahul's visit, Release of SRK movie

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Vikram Nalawade
Re: Re: Bhikari Sena
by Vikram Nalawade on Feb 17, 2010 08:50 AM
Balasaheb is tiger of Mumbai. 1.If he is weak then why 22500 policemen with weapons deployed to protect Rahul Gandhi from SS.
2.Why did Rahul Gandhi had to move in Mumbai by changing the routes and plans.
3. Why 1500 policemen are deployed outside the house of SRK.
4. Why about 100 policemen were deployed outside each cinema Hall to potect a movie.
All thse are the signs of strength of this tiger.

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nelfern again
your answers please
by nelfern again on Feb 17, 2010 03:09 AM  | Hide replies

So if you are killed by bal thackerays goons on the streets of BOMBAY .. is it a more patriotic death ..than being killed in australia by australians ?

Does Shiv sena have teh exclusive right to killing indians?

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anjan sengupta
Re: your answers please
by anjan sengupta on Feb 17, 2010 04:34 AM
can U tell me till date how many ppl have been actually 'killed' by Shiv Sena

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nelfern again
Re: Re: your answers please
by nelfern again on Feb 17, 2010 07:29 AM
all right then....how many indians have been "killed" by the aussies ?

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Vikram Nalawade
Re: Re: Re: your answers please
by Vikram Nalawade on Feb 17, 2010 08:55 AM
More than 100

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Edison John
Re: Re: Re: your answers please
by Edison John on Feb 17, 2010 08:06 AM
Don't fight between yourselves ! Settle for a compromise figure , say like, 10 lacks !

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Vikram Nalawade
Re: Re: Re: Re: your answers please
by Vikram Nalawade on Feb 17, 2010 08:55 AM
Balasaheb is tiger of Mumbai. 1.If he is weak then why 22500 policemen with weapons deployed to protect Rahul Gandhi from SS.
2.Why did Rahul Gandhi had to move in Mumbai by changing the routes and plans.
3. Why 1500 policemen are deployed outside the house of SRK.
4. Why about 100 policemen were deployed outside each cinema Hall to potect a movie.
All thse are the signs of strength of this tiger.

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Partha Choudhury
Who is this eggplant?
by Partha Choudhury on Feb 17, 2010 03:02 AM  | Hide replies

BT? Bal Thackeray - that is, who thinks he is resistant to any kind of attack, but fails to realize that he IS the pest!

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Vikram Nalawade
Re: Who is this eggplant?
by Vikram Nalawade on Feb 17, 2010 08:56 AM
Balasaheb is tiger of Mumbai. 1.If he is weak then why 22500 policemen with weapons deployed to protect Rahul Gandhi from SS.
2.Why did Rahul Gandhi had to move in Mumbai by changing the routes and plans.
3. Why 1500 policemen are deployed outside the house of SRK.
4. Why about 100 policemen were deployed outside each cinema Hall to potect a movie.
All thse are the signs of strength of this tiger.

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wasym ahmed
by wasym ahmed on Feb 17, 2010 12:59 AM  | Hide replies

Who the H.E.L.L. is bal thakeray to alllow the ausssie cricketer to play in IPL 3? who has asked his permission? why is he poking his nose in every non issue? Bal Thakeray wants to show the people of india that he is against the racist attacks on indians in Australia but in reality he is the biggest racist when it comes to bihari and UPites. so somebody please tell to stop his drama/ He is not going to get a single vote this time. Bal thakeray and shiv sainik are nuisance to the civilised society.

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by aarruunn on Feb 17, 2010 01:36 AM
I was expecting this from him. He already lost to rahul and shahrukh, now he doesnt need another blow in his face.

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Vikram Nalawade
by Vikram Nalawade on Feb 17, 2010 08:53 AM
Balasaheb is tiger of Mumbai. 1.If he is weak then why 22500 policemen with weapons deployed to protect Rahul Gandhi from SS.
2.Why did Rahul Gandhi had to move in Mumbai by changing the routes and plans.
3. Why 1500 policemen are deployed outside the house of SRK.
4. Why about 100 policemen were deployed outside each cinema Hall to potect a movie.
All thse are the signs of strength of this tiger.

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wasym ahmed
by wasym ahmed on Feb 17, 2010 01:41 AM
bal thakeray was in dire need for funds for his party and now that he has recived the money from sharad pawar he is making these statements.

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patel ravjibhai
by patel ravjibhai on Feb 17, 2010 01:16 AM
just ask your brothers in Maharashtra / Mumbai.. that who is Bal Thakeray.. & then u will get your answer.
Same question in all hidustani too that 'who is Imam Bukhari', who issues 'fatva' every now & then...

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wasym ahmed
by wasym ahmed on Feb 17, 2010 01:27 AM
here comes a person with hate and communal feelings. Bro u r not needed in this discussion board. Please leave

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by INDIAN Ram on Feb 17, 2010 02:41 AM
Patel Ji, Everyone knows who is Bal Thakeray, simply A COWARD, can only make statement in Mumbai and even he is not any hold over their, never won any election. Many North Indians are showing him mirror, where was he whem people were gathering for ayodhya issue, sure hidding in his hole "Rotten Matushri", Every now and then person from Punjab, Delhi, Haryana, Uttara khand, UP and Bihar, Madhya Pradesh Himachal goes (basically Hindi speaking goes their and spit on his face, if they all do collectively the MUTARDAAN, it will flooded and stream out the sena maestro and sena issue. Only you are pathetic people feel him like a God, can he or Raj dare to do any rally in any part of India and the same backlash Marathis are facing through out India, 50% Marathis are living out of Maharashtra they never dare to say single word against Hindi.

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Vikram Nalawade
by Vikram Nalawade on Feb 17, 2010 08:57 AM
Balasaheb is tiger of Mumbai. 1.If he is weak then why 22500 policemen with weapons deployed to protect Rahul Gandhi from SS.
2.Why did Rahul Gandhi had to move in Mumbai by changing the routes and plans.
3. Why 1500 policemen are deployed outside the house of SRK.
4. Why about 100 policemen were deployed outside each cinema Hall to potect a movie.
All thse are the signs of strength of this tiger.

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Partha Choudhury
by Partha Choudhury on Feb 17, 2010 03:04 AM
I have asked all the hard working epople of maharastra - none of them know him!

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Vikram Nalawade
by Vikram Nalawade on Feb 17, 2010 08:58 AM
Balasaheb is tiger of Mumbai. 1.If he is weak then why 22500 policemen with weapons deployed to protect Rahul Gandhi from SS.
2.Why did Rahul Gandhi had to move in Mumbai by changing the routes and plans.
3. Why 1500 policemen are deployed outside the house of SRK.
4. Why about 100 policemen were deployed outside each cinema Hall to potect a movie.
All thse are the signs of strength of this tiger.

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wakeup indians
Stupid Thakrey
by wakeup indians on Feb 17, 2010 12:49 AM  | Hide replies

Actually Shiv Sena lost battle against MNIK and to further avoid more woulds thakreys surrendered against australians.pawar and manohar of bcci is just excuse.
That Old man is now saying that only four to five players would be playing . Did'nt he knew that it is IPL and not international T20.If australians wont play ,how it might hurt so called "Marathi manoos"
These bogus patriot son of soils are just jokers who surrendered against four to five australians.
I m not against IPL or australians. I m against these bogus patriot who fist shouted as if they r going to take IPL by storm with australin issue.
Real patriot or son of soil never run away from battelfeild in any circumstances.
These shive sena r nothing but bunch of Jaichands who sold their loyalities for the sake of money . Shiv sena is no exception.
They did not wanted futures thakreys jaychands to get blacklisted from visiting australia hence they surrendered.
Hopeless SS and thakreys cannot even fing proper solid reason to back off.

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Re: Stupid Thakrey
by SHAN BAID on Feb 17, 2010 07:48 AM
They have thoroghly watched the screaming sainik thrashed by police while trying to bully film personalities

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Vikram Nalawade
Re: Stupid Thakrey
by Vikram Nalawade on Feb 17, 2010 09:00 AM
Balasaheb is tiger of Mumbai. 1.If he is weak then why 22500 policemen with weapons deployed to protect Rahul Gandhi from SS.
2.Why did Rahul Gandhi had to move in Mumbai by changing the routes and plans.
3. Why 1500 policemen are deployed outside the house of SRK.
4. Why about 100 policemen were deployed outside each cinema Hall to potect a movie.
All thse are the signs of strength of this tiger.

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