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Spot Fixing: ''Pak must react strongly''

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Rajesh Bangad
what Imran was doing???
by Rajesh Bangad on Aug 30, 2010 12:47 PM

What Imran was doing??? He used to sleep with Zeenat Aman all before he got married to some one else.

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veerendra yadav
Player alone are not involve
by veerendra yadav on Aug 30, 2010 10:55 AM

Only players alone can not do this. PCB may also be invloved.Scecurity is a big concern in pakistan any body can be draged for this kind of job when life of family memebrs on stake. ICC shoud ban pakistan team will be the only option.

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dss d
Ban Pakistan Team
by dss d on Aug 30, 2010 10:51 AM

Ban Pakistan from all forms of cricket for 1 year. Hopefully that will teach them a lesson and be an eye-opener for other teams around the world also.

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by bookiee on Aug 30, 2010 09:59 AM  | Hide replies

mr imran, what you mean by exemplary punishment, be precise - can your system give death punishment - if yes, this can be stopped otherwise - players know - the maximum is life ban which can be revoked later by another politician - this is pakistan

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Re: punishment
by JAKE on Aug 30, 2010 10:20 AM
It means banning from the game in all forms and removal of their records from the record books. Also heavy fines to go with it.

This kind of thing would not have happened during the great Imran Khan's time, for he was a strict leader who did not tolerate such a thing and no one would have dared to do such a thing during his reign. Pakistan was such a force during his time and he singlehandedly brought them together and led them to many memorable wins. He had that pride and love for his nation that percolated to his team mates. Sadly, there is no Imran like figure in Pakistan cricket.

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imran patel
What is the root cause of this issue ?
by imran patel on Aug 30, 2010 09:05 AM  | Hide replies

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

People who think or want us to believe that this issue of match fixing involves only a few "Bad apples", need to wash their face with cold water.

Pakistan is a country that is up to its eyeballs in corruption. (India is a touch better, not nothing to be happy about). Players are humans like us. They have grown up in this culture of corruption. They have bribed policemen, government officers, etc to get a better deal or to get some work done with least resistance. Hence when such "opportunities" arise, they don't think twice. They fall down the slippery slope and there is no turning back.

Spectators and cricket fans are upset and rightfully so. Some think that players have "Sold their nation". I think that it is an over stretch. A majority of these same spectators have induldged in bribery at some stage in their life.

The only solution to this crisis is a "zero Tolerance" approach towards corruption in our lives.

Say no to any request/demand for money from government employee.

Not in any ways trying to defend this act or the culprits involved...But as the scripture says...
"He That Is Without Sin,Cast The First Stone".

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Re: What is the root cause of this issue ?
by manjit on Aug 30, 2010 09:18 AM
Lets ask sachin, rahul, laxman, dada, or one of the many more Indians to cast the first stone.

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Re: Re: What is the root cause of this issue ?
by sanath on Aug 30, 2010 10:00 AM
They are more civilized to cast stones - take in any way u like. Fact remains that the fab four have played cricket like it shud be played, with sachin, rahul and laxman exhibiting good behavior on field as well.

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imran patel
Re: Re: What is the root cause of this issue ?
by imran patel on Aug 30, 2010 09:21 AM
India also has add its issues with match fixing. Also, lets not forget that the bookies involved in a majority of these scandals were from our country.

As I have mentioned earlier, this is not a matter of a "few bad apples". There certainly are a "few good apples" as you have pointed out.

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Re: Re: Re: What is the root cause of this issue ?
by JAKE on Aug 30, 2010 10:14 AM
Aadaab Imran Bhai, ookies may be from India and they are from Dawood Ibrahim gang based now in Pakistan. When compared to Pak players, Indian players are far better. No famous name has been involved except Mohd Azharuddin and then Ajay Jadeja. None of the present players from Sachin to Laxman, Dravid, Viru, Zaheer, etc can be said to have been tainted with such a slur. This is because of our ethos that discourages such a thing.

It is the upbringing that matters and this is what makes us better off.

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Akash Nair
by Akash Nair on Aug 30, 2010 08:59 AM

"Not playing the remaining matches would cause great damage to the image of international cricket" WTF? On the contrary playing the remaining matches as if nothing happened would cause more damage. Pakis just dont belong to mainstream civilized society. They have proved that over and over again.

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ramamurthy narayanaswamy
but what is spot fixing..............
by ramamurthy narayanaswamy on Aug 30, 2010 08:46 AM  | Hide replies

can anyone say ... what is spot fixing and why it will hv no effect on the result of the match...

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ramamurthy narayanaswamy
Re: but what is spot fixing..............
by ramamurthy narayanaswamy on Aug 30, 2010 09:16 AM
Not clear guys... what is the diff bet fixing a match and spot fixing the same...

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Re: but what is spot fixing..............
by manjit on Aug 30, 2010 08:59 AM
I think it is something like:
A will throw 5 no-balls
B will hit 8 fours
C will get out between 25-30
D will get out before making 40 runs.

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shashi kher
Re: but what is spot fixing..............
by shashi kher on Aug 30, 2010 08:58 AM
'Spot fixing' is cupable homicide not amounting to murder.

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Re: but what is spot fixing..............
by sanath on Aug 30, 2010 10:05 AM
Match fixing means fixing the result of a match, which requires the cooperation of more than one player, and requires lot of time and situations to be put in place.

Spot fixing is fixing an immediate incident, for eg, in this case, the bookie predicted exactly when Amir would bowl a no-ball. Ppl place their bets on whether an over will have no no-balls, wides etc, or whether it will have 1 no-ball, or more than 1 wide etc, and bets are placed. Once the bets are in place, according to the bets, the bookie conveys to the bowler thru the boundary fielder and the bowler does according to the bookie who in turn pays him for it. This is spot fixing. Though it may not exactly alter the result of the match in all cases, it is still a mockery of the game and an illegal method of using it to earn money.

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Jai Ho
Ah! The famous 'if'
by Jai Ho on Aug 30, 2010 08:40 AM

The famous 'if'. We will take action against anyone 'if' s/he is found guilty, 'if' there is proof provided, if we think they are guilty. Non-state actors are using our territory to spread terror, but it's your duty to provide proof. They are in our country, but we are not interested n finding proof. However, we will find proof 'if' you give us money.

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