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I did not hit the cameraman: Harbhajan

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deepak kotnis
by deepak kotnis on Sep 10, 2009 11:31 PM

bhajji kaa sentimental jhatka .. ab sikh community bhi uske saath .. well played bhajji ..

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Arun Premraj
by Arun Premraj on Sep 10, 2009 11:15 PM  | Hide replies

such a shame that so much media is there to see off the team on an ordinary series.. but none to welcome pankaj advani after conquering the ultimate title in billiards..

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Re: dfsdfd
by vinay on Sep 11, 2009 12:02 AM

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Re: dfsdfd
by Deepak on Sep 11, 2009 12:10 AM
it happens only in India because of illiteracy. Hail India.

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Wonderfully done Harbhajan......
by S K on Sep 10, 2009 10:43 PM  | Hide replies

Next time a cameraman behaves in such a manner, do actually slap him on the face and show him his true level........

I have slapped a cameraman after he stood on my car and flattened the bonnet, in his hurry to get a bird's eye view of a politician who had entered our area before elections......

I asked him to pay up Rs 500 for the damage caused to my car, he refused and started behaving arrogantly......after which me and couple of my friends started using the same language and strongarm tactics that he was using....thrashed him soundly, after which we snatched his camera and literally smashed it to pieces.....after which we asked him to clear his smelly presence...

That also settled the dues of Rs 500 automatically cos his camera was pretty expensive....that is the only way to deal with these low life rascals!!

Well done Bhajji!!

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Shake Abdullah
Re: Wonderfully done Harbhajan......
by Shake Abdullah on Sep 10, 2009 10:52 PM
WOW !!!

The cameraman was at fault, no doubt.

But you and your friends went overboard !!

Sound Thrashing, Smashing his equipment, Foul Language and lastly, celebrating your actions ??

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Francis Josephkumar
Re: Re: Wonderfully done Harbhajan......
by Francis Josephkumar on Sep 11, 2009 01:05 AM
Hi Shake Abdullah, what you would had done in such situatation? Would you have patted on the shoulders of the cameraman for his professional zeal if that were your car?

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Deewaker pandey
by Deewaker pandey on Sep 10, 2009 10:17 PM  | Hide replies

the prob is- media is not moving in right direction n they try to highlight unnecessary facts. every1 knows that harbhajan is popular for controvercies so now media is highlighting this issue against him.

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much ado about nothing
by Guest on Sep 10, 2009 10:16 PM  | Hide replies

media is crazy in creating a controversy out of nothing. these silly stupid cameramen & crew must be severely penalised for not following the protocol . Very unfortunately in our country the laws are not enforced seriously for breach of ethics & protocol by the media , these days most of the scribes & journos of the print& TV media are misusing their previlages and acting as if they can do anything with pen, camera & a mike (Like a gun in the hands of a policeman). they are not even bothered to respect the privacy of the people. they simply concoct stories for cheap publicity. they are failing to creat faith in public regarding the so called Fourth estate of our constitution. Resorting to cheapthings of distoring the facts and repeatedly flashing the cooked up stories to malign the reputation of celebrities. These days so many news channels, papers other media has entered the market. To survive in the tough competition many of them are just throwing in the air values and moralsand resorting to yellow journalism & making hue & cry about every stupid thing. I wish there be legally stern action against the media for violating the code of ethics & protocols and covering sexed-up stories. Also Wish the journos community get more respect by acting decently & responsibly.

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Sachin zindabad
Indian media...........
by Sachin zindabad on Sep 10, 2009 10:11 PM

They deserve it, I am surprised that Harbhajan SIngh did not kick the living day lights out of that cameraman :-)

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Nathan Somas
Should blame the Media
by Nathan Somas on Sep 10, 2009 09:33 PM  | Hide replies

The media personal should be taken to court for making some one into the news for no reason. Specially when he is leaving for a Tour..he doesn't need all these controversies..wouldn't we do the same if we were hit in the head by some one has no business in our lives. Well common lets treat him as a human and then as a cricketer.

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