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Dhoni says team not chasing record

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Aftab Aalam
Clean sweep
by Aftab Aalam on Feb 04, 2009 12:08 AM  | Hide replies

We will win all the 5 matches. If dhoni give a chance to rested player, there also we have talented player.Dhoni said "We are not looking at the record. Rather, we will give chance to players who didn't get a chance to play in the series so far,". Don't worry captain u have good player with u we can win rest of the matches also. Good luck. Take care

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Re: Clean sweep
by KSatish on Feb 04, 2009 03:13 AM
No the reserve cant just come and walk all over SL. Mendis and Jaya will just give them night mares but we still have to get our bench feel the international level when the pressure is a bit low.
I would play:

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Pavan S
Re: Clean sweep
by Pavan S on Feb 04, 2009 02:46 AM
I agree with you bro... there is a lot of talent even in the players on the bench. This will only help the other sure shot selection guys on their toes. It's good for the team.

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Emam Baig
by Emam Baig on Feb 04, 2009 12:05 AM

Indian Team did a great job winning aginest the lankans,keep the winning momentum.

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