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SL ICL rebels can play domestic cricket

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Wonder Fool
Good Decision
by Wonder Fool on Sep 19, 2008 04:15 PM

BCCI power cannot always dictate terms. Its a very good decision taken by the Srilankan Board.

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manoj karwa
Well thought decision
by manoj karwa on Sep 19, 2008 04:11 PM

Though the lift on ICL players playing domestic cricket should have come earlier, but its better late than never. A sub continent Cricket board announcing this is really a very good decision.
I am sure all other cricket board will make a decision soon and allow these ICL players to play in domestic cricket and even select them in the national team

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manoj karwa
Brave Decision
by manoj karwa on Sep 19, 2008 04:06 PM

Finally one subcontinent cricket board has acted to sort out IPL-ICL controversy.Its good to see ICL players playing domestic tournament in their respective countries.
A very brave decision by SL Cricket board and I hope many would follow the same path.

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Madan Shanbhag
SlC's decision
by Madan Shanbhag on Sep 19, 2008 04:06 PM

Arjuna knows sentiments of the players and he has taken right decision.

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Pradeep Narain
by Pradeep Narain on Sep 19, 2008 04:05 PM  | Hide replies

If ICL players are to be banned then why not IPL . Arn't the Indians playing indian nationals? Is it not unconstitutional to ban them?

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Ajin Cherian
by Ajin Cherian on Sep 19, 2008 04:31 PM
Who said the ban is because Indians are playing Indian nationals? The ban is because ICL is not recognised by the ICC, while the IPL is. Not that this in any way justifies such a ban!

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B Basu
Support for ICL players
by B Basu on Sep 19, 2008 04:04 PM

When Kerry Packer floated the rebel tournament, initially all countries banned their players. It was subsequently softened down and/or abolished. SLC did the right thing. A cricket player should be allowed to play cricket, wherever, whenever he chooses to, monetary attraction notwithstanding.

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Umesh Sharma
sl congrats
by Umesh Sharma on Sep 19, 2008 04:02 PM

ranatunga shud be congratulated for this bold step, and for showing his thumb to bcci who are stupid in banning budding crketers who can also represent india. infactteams of ipl and icl shud play gainst one another in tounaments to get the best talent. but till chaps like pawar/modi /shah are there this game will not improve. congrats sl for going against bcci dadagiri

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good Decision arjuna
by satya on Sep 19, 2008 04:02 PM

we people want good cricet .. from icl or ipl .. its it improve the passion of cricket .
good to see fm lanka .. who can stant in front of BCCI .

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good Decision arjuna
by satya on Sep 19, 2008 04:01 PM

we people want good cricet .. from icl or ipl .. its it improve the passion of cricket .
good to see fm lanka .. who can stant in front of BCCI .

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