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Tendulkar''s diminishing returns

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Rugved Kulkarni
Tendulkar's analysis
by Rugved Kulkarni on Oct 03, 2008 09:53 PM

Dear (whoever),
Statistics never reflect the real picture. Statistics (when done with a purpose to prove Sachin failure) are only hoax. Do these statistics tell you the quality of bowlers he has faced? Do these statistics tell you that everytime he is singled out to analyse by bowlers? Other batsmen are left to their woes. Yes has been struggling with his fitness, but the recent so-called failure against Lankans was clearly & only due to the anxiety of going past Lara. He faced same issues when he went past Bradman's 29 centuries & when he went past Gavaskar's 34 centuries. It seems that nowadays he is been under pressure to get past the landmarks quickly. And my dearest friend, people have noticed his meagre run-flow against Lankans, but no-one noticed how confidently he faced Mendis. He was not at all facing any trouble against him except the last innings when he was batting with an injury. Yes he failed against other bowlers, but as I have mentioned that is more due to the anxiety factor of scoring those 173 runs to get past Lara.
Please don't waste time in searching for statistics to prove Sachin is at his end. It's BCCI's job. We are not paying him for his games. Plus, not only Sachin failed, there were other 3 stalwarts who failed. No one has uttered a single word about their statistics. Mere career of 19 years doesn't attribute to his retirement. In real life, everyone wants to earn as long as we can.

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Nishchal Wadekar
Why do we need this stats.
by Nishchal Wadekar on Oct 03, 2008 06:32 PM  | Hide replies

My dear sir, whoever has written this can you please tell me why this article in first place is needed??
The greats like Sachin can not be put in as many words as you tried to put up..
Please dont forget the Deeds that he has done to this sports and to Indian cricket..
We all are too small to even talk about him..please leave him alone and stop this noncreative articles..
he soenst need this neither do indian cricket..
just watch him play as long he wants to and rest in peace..he is real professional know what he is doing..
thanks for stopping posting such articles..Personally i hate the tone of this article..any indian cricket fan will..who understands cricket..
Thanks and good bye..

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madan madan
Re: Why do we need this stats.
by madan madan on Oct 25, 2008 09:13 AM
I think the writer of the article just wanted to get some (dirty) fame by abusing the SUPREME. If you want fame there are other better things in the world you can do rather than trying to analyze on how to blame a master blaster. Is there anybody who are forcing you to write articles? Is it just for the appraisal cycle in your organization? Just stop this non-sense..

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Duniya ka problem Apna problem
by Duniya ka problem Apna problem on Oct 03, 2008 04:07 PM

so we are saying....all players get a tennis elbow injury and your average will go up from 18 to 179...against bangladesh...do not forget too much analysis is paralysis....

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mangesh mankar
sachin is the best
by mangesh mankar on Sep 27, 2008 07:52 PM

Nobody should compare between Sachin and other player.All are great at there level.But sachin has god gifted cricketing skills.He is a gentleman.Figures suggest that he may not be a good captain,but the fact remains that the other team members did not supported him in his days as a captain.Sachin suffered from many injuries,but he never drag those.He got away and given his place to others.Therefore I say plese do not compare Sachin with anybody,he is uncomparable.

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venkatesh t
Ganguly is the best batsman of india team
by venkatesh t on Sep 26, 2008 07:19 PM  | Hide replies

ganguly is the best batsman of india team

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venkatesh t
Re: Ganguly is the best batsman of india team
by venkatesh t on Sep 26, 2008 07:20 PM
pls conclude the 14 members of ganguly he was on great batsman on india team pls

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by BEML METRO on Sep 26, 2008 04:03 PM  | Hide replies

india best batsman sorry worlds best batsmen is sachin ramesh tendulkar

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Re: tendulkar
by abhishek on Oct 04, 2008 06:07 PM
no is one man dravid is the no 01

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Re: tendulkar
by Pavan on Oct 13, 2008 12:08 PM
But neither Sachin nor Dravid really played for India's victory

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Tendulkar not best
by AN on Sep 26, 2008 12:01 PM  | Hide replies

I dont how it has been decided that Sachin is best cricketer India has ever produced. He is one the best in world, but not beyond.
Sachin has been failure as captain and a cricketer lacking leadership qualities can not be called the best.
On conparision, Kapil Dev had been far better cricketer and best cricketer India has ever produced. He had less resources at his disposal, yet he brought the only world cup we have won

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Re: Tendulkar not best
by pratheek on Sep 26, 2008 09:30 PM
Do you even know what our team comprised of in sachin's tenure as captain?don't just blabber something.A team comprised of vikram rathore,dodda ganesh,kanitkar,kuruvilla,V.P can not even in dreams bring victory to india.He has a great cricketing brain and which helped india win many matches.Yes,he hasn't great leadership qualities because he's no dada or dhoni.It requires some tough stance to control a team like india.Sachin isn't as aggressive as his other successful captains.Whcih was the result why even dravid faltered as captain,coz he's same as sachin.

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hinal krishnani
Re: Tendulkar not best
by hinal krishnani on Oct 03, 2008 03:26 PM
Sachin is the best. For more then 8 years India was regarded as one man team. Indian team has achieved huge success because of him. During his captainship tenure Indian team had hardly any allrounders or good quality players. Every persons focuss has been on him. Being agressive doesnt make anybody successfull, a cricket team captain has to have smart captatainship skills to become successfull leader and he is one of the smartest and intelligent player. It is believed that BCCI is rich because of Sachin. He is the person resposible for success of Indian team in 1990's. He is the best player in the world. I live in Sydney and all Aussies respect him more then any other current aussie players. Aussies regard him best as best cricket player.

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Nishchal Wadekar
Re: Tendulkar not best
by Nishchal Wadekar on Oct 03, 2008 06:37 PM
Just shut up..you looks like novice for cricket..pls grow up before putting up such statement..

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mangesh mankar
Re: Tendulkar not best
by mangesh mankar on Sep 27, 2008 07:59 PM
how can you say that only captaincy skills make somebody a best player in the world.kapil dev is great but he is not bigger than sachin.regarding world cup it requires efforts from every member of the team.what alone sachin will do?

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by Anang on Sep 26, 2008 08:56 AM  | Hide replies

For sure Ponting will break all sachin's records within 2 years of Sachin's retirement. My heart breaks - as I thought Sachin would make records which will stand for ages !

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Pritu Chaudhary
Re: Ponting
by Pritu Chaudhary on Sep 26, 2008 08:19 PM
Oh please.....Come out of your dreams buddy ! All sachin's record ?? No way

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Jai Hind
Re: Ponting
by Jai Hind on Oct 15, 2008 08:33 PM
Remeber Ponting is older than Sachin and for last 1 year he is also in downsliding form.

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Ravindra Jain
Unique man?
by Ravindra Jain on Sep 23, 2008 04:30 PM  | Hide replies

Sachin is a unique cricketer.. No cricketer can be compared with him.
ur fan Ravindra

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Suman Bhat
Re: Unique man?
by Suman Bhat on Sep 25, 2008 03:07 PM
Tendulakr may have all the record against his name he is hghest run getter and highest 100s etc
But dravid is hihgest % contribution for the winning test for the team & Dravid batted from No 1 to 7 position and sachin never compromise on his batting order in odis as well as test. IT was dravid opened innings in tests to accommodate yuvraj but great thendulkar never came forward to open innings in tests but he wanted to open in odis bcuz batting will easy with firld restriction, enoguhg balls to face to settle down without pressure of increasing run rate
Dravid won 3ICC awards test player and represented ICC test team for last 3 yrs and he was named as captain of ICC test team
Dravid still has highest no catch holder for india in both forms of game
dravid as odi team captain highest winning average better than ganguly's five yr tenure
sachin captaincy record is not so good
make Tendulkar bat in five different positions in fve games see the diff in batting average, strike rate?
Why only dravid descriminated in batting order before he thrown out of odi team?
Rules never apply to tendulkar He declared injured but joined the team without going through fitness test
sachin test average in 2006 is 24.27 & he got so many chances till he recovers his form. rahul's lowest average is 5.and ppl are after him
Why double standrd??

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Suman Bhat
Re: Re: Unique man?
by Suman Bhat on Sep 25, 2008 03:08 PM
dravid lowest avrage is 35.36 in 2007

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Suman Bhat
Re: Re: Re: Unique man?
by Suman Bhat on Sep 25, 2008 03:11 PM
After dravid got 10k runs in test format of game NDTV 24x7 has poll and 87% public voted dravid is better test playr than tendulkar next to Bradman and better than Lara
In NDTV where Ajay jadeja, Siddu always does dravid bashing 24x7 & ultimately channel closed discussion not allowing fans to post the comment favouring dravid

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amit saha
Re: Unique man?
by amit saha on Sep 25, 2008 04:47 PM
great suman... bravo....
keep shouting for rahul dravid...
if you can write good things about 100 times definately dravid will be impressed and send you gifts...
carry on.. dont stop... keep shouting....dravid dravid dravid

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Re: Unique man?
by pratheek on Sep 26, 2008 09:08 PM
ROFLMAO...what pathetic reasons you've given to esteem the profile of dravid but degrade sachin with dimwit mindset.
FYI,Sachin has more number of matches won under his belt than dravid.check the records.Sachin has greater number of 50 plus scores than anyother.There are gazillion number of records to his name.Get a life dude!
Do you even know that sachin once used to bat at no.6 position at the beginning of his career?changing batting positions doesn't mean he's more sacrificial.Sachin never opened in tests,he's not suited for that.As rahul comes one-down he was more suited for that job,besides knowing our great history of openers we had in last 10 years,he was virtually an opener.It wasn't a difficult job for him.
In ODIS no sane person will ask sachin to bat at position other than the opening slot.He's the greatest opener cricket has ever seen.
Who cares about those ICC awards,it was introduced recently.It doesn't matter.

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Re: Re: Unique man?
by pratheek on Sep 26, 2008 09:23 PM
Sachin had only two bad years witnessing slump in form majorly owing to injury problems i.e in 2003 and 2006 averaging 17 and 24 respectively.Look at his astonishing record baring these,five consecutive years of 60 plus average.Go figure that!
How's dravid exempt from this 'slump in form' matter? his average this and last year;35 and 36 that too playing 10 matches in each...that's even worse than sachin's who only played 5 matches in his worst year...i'm in no way demeaning dravid,he's my favourite too but everyone in thsi whole world knows that sachin is greater than dravid.when comparing great batsmen they do with sachin,lara and ponting(this era).We don't find dravid's name being raised in the league of these great batsmen.period

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Re: Unique man?
by abhishek on Oct 04, 2008 06:28 PM
mr. pratheek...abut ur knowdge.. i'll tell u one things thre is no comprission between dravid and tndlkr. bcz if u see the avrg in the test match dravid always better than tendulkr excluding 08/bcz before that drvid's avrg. arund 59 in the test which tendulkr nvr got... and if u talking abut comparrision so have u read the NDTV poll wht happnd with them... bcz resion being is tendulkr have more populrty than dravid.. no dbut tendulkr is bettr than dravid in ODI. but soory frnd not in the test...still aftr some poor performance dravid is only plar who have 60 avrg in the 3rd possitn in the world..my frnd it is not essy to maintain ..........abut ur knowldge dravid was captain who had won the test series in the westindies after 35 year not ganguly not tendulkr...dravid was the only who have won maximum test in his captency out side the cuntry with minimum period of time

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Re: Unique man?
by pratheek on Oct 24, 2008 06:28 PM
Just look at my above post with open-mind and comprehend it with your limited reading skills.
Have you been watching cricket lately?

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asf asdf
Who is Great?
by asf asdf on Sep 23, 2008 05:49 AM  | Hide replies

Sir Don Bradman 1928-1948 (20 Years)

Test Inn Runs HS Ave 100

52 80 6996 334 99.94 29

Ricky Ponting 1995-2008 (13 Years)

Test Inn Runs HS Ave 100

119 199 10099 257 58.37 35

Sachin 1989-2008 (19 Years)

Test Inn Runs HS Ave 100

150 244 11877 248* 54.23 39

Lara 1990-2006 (16 Years)

Test Inn Runs HS Ave 100

131 232 11953 400* 52.88 34

Ricky Ponting Behind Sachin by 1778 Runs (31 Matches,6 Years)

Sachin played 19 matches extra and 3 years, than Lara and still behind him 76 runs.

Sir Don Bradman Played 20 years to play only 52 matches (on Average not even 3 match in Year).

If we allow sachin, ponting, lara to play just 52 matches each in 20 years, imagine how many runs will they score?

who is great Sachin or Ponting? by Average, runs, highest score, most victories under their belt as captain or individual performance?

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sriram ambalavanan
Re: Who is Great?
by sriram ambalavanan on Sep 25, 2008 08:47 PM
it is odd to compare ponting and tendulkar on anything.... ponting was lucky to have been part of one of the best teams in the world and had great support in the form of forms of players... if you want to compare still, then check pontings averages in India vs sachin's averages in australia.... ponting who struggles to face ishant and harbajan vs, sachin facing mcgrath and shane warne

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vishal sharma
Re: Who is Great?
by vishal sharma on Sep 30, 2008 11:23 PM
Also dont forget that how many times Sachin was given out by wrong decisions , courtesy Australian Umpires in particular. Had that not been the case, Ponting would not have been near toe of Sachin

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sharan surya
Re: Who is Great?
by sharan surya on Sep 26, 2008 06:45 PM
do you know half of the pontings runs came while he used the "metallic blade" bat? if you know it this comparision is waste. and if you dont know this forum is nor for you.

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